I went to Dupont to put money in my account and asked about speaking to a loan officer. I got a LOAN!!! Wooo Hoooo I do need to show proof of income of cakes so I will take our Income Tax statement. I don't want Barry as a co-signer and because his truck is in my name too, and I was showing only Sherwin Williams they wanted him on it. I said no, I could prove my income with cakes. It is at 6.25% and I got it for $13,500. I called Kay later and turns out the trailer is only $11, 496 or something like that. Woo Hooo...I will go to Austin in a week or so to try out the trailer and see if I like the Brenderup like everyone says they like them. Christy and I are going - it is our road trip for this year!
Trail horse riding Camping in my Brenderup Barefoot trimming Learning about EPM, COPD and Anhydrosis in horses.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Red comes to me and I get financing!!!
I went out to the barn with Christy around 11:30. Red was in the dry lot and being bullied by Mr. Socks. Mr. Socks ran at Red and bit him on the butt. Poor Red.
Rita and I Ride
On the 26th I met Rita out at the barn to trail ride. Big Man got away from her while I had Red up in the wash rack. He is a pistol. He was running all over the place while Rita was trying to catch him. He came to me but when I tried to grab is rope off he went. He finally let Rita catch him and we went into the arena so he could blow off steam. Round and Round he went - running at top speed, tail flagging proudly, snorting away. When it was over, he came up to Rita and layed his head on her shoulder. She turned and said "Back, Back, Back" and he backed up like a champ. He followed her around like a baby, nuzzling her hair! LOL She got him in the wash rack and he was as good as gold.
We got saddled up for the ride and off we went. We got almost to Cattail Marsh and Red blew up like a balloon. OMGosh he gathered his feet up and jumped up and to the left at a diagonal on the road. For an instant I thought he was going to lose his footing but he pulled himself together and walked like nothing happened! Rita and I think he saw a snake because Red is NOT a spooky horse to startled about everything. .
He was looking at the stuff in the equipment yard and moving slowly and cautiously like he does when he is uncertain of something. We went along where Barry and I had went but higher up on the levee. I was riding behind Big Man and good golly Miss Molly, there were all of these tiny bugs and Red was about to have a snorting fit. LOL Margaret has always siad he didn't like bugs and he was having a fit...tossing his head, snorting, blowing his nose....LOL I finally took him up on the levee because he was just no liking the bugs!
We rounded to the right where the canal is and rode down there. Red stumbled several times over his own toes. I am thinking a chiropractor could help that.
Rita got off to open the gate and had a heck of a time getting back on. We are old and lumpy but she is better than me...I don't think I could get on if my life depended on it. My butt is too heavy.
We got back and I gave Red rub down and rinsed him off - got his head good too which he tolerates but is not excited about. I let him eat some grass for awhile and then put him up. While I was getting his alfalafa he dropped and rolled in his stall. What a pig.
February 25 - New Shoes and Morgan Rides
I went out to the barn at 8:00 AM to meet Dan. He put Red's shoes back on and hopefully they won't come off! I turned him out and went to work! I decided to get Red some Bell Boots so he couldn't kick off his shoes. I went to Louisiana for work and then to the Vinton Feed Store. I bought Red those cute little blue and black Bell Boots and his Alfalfa!
When I got home Morgan called and said she wanted to ride Red. I said when Daddy gets here we will go. So Barry, Morgan and I went to the barn. My foot was hurting so I didn't ride. Barry said his Bell Boots were sissy - what does he know? I think not! Barry and Red went round and round and he is doing so well on his reining. Good Boy!
Morgan got on and rode him around and actually got him into a trot! LOL that was a hoot. Mog used to be so afraid of horses. Red did one of his dog shakes that he does and I wish I could have captured the look on Morgan's face. What a classic.
My right boot was squeezing the heck out of the top of my foot. The top of my foot was red and puffy! My boot has got wet several times. I slathered it with leather conditioner and it has helped.
February 24 - I am 50 - We go for a trail ride!!!
On Tuesday I turned 50! WOW WEE.....Barry took off today so that we could go on a trail ride!!! Bridgett said we could use Two Socks for Barry. We took off and stopped at a store for some corn nuts and water in case we got thirsty. I bought a little koozie thingy with a rope holder for Barry.
We saddled up and off we went. I was a little nervous...I always seem to be just a little. I am so hoping that goes away. Red behavied very well! He doesn't like to step in mud - it freaks him out just a little when it smooshes. I did ride him into the area I knew would eventually get wet - he wasn't thrilled and I was plow reining him to keep him going where I wanted for about a quarter of a mile. We rode around the park, into Cattail Marsh, down the road, down another stretch of the road and turned left. We went down a straight stretch bordering the canel that is pretty darn big. Looks like a river. I was trotting Red and he actually got into a lope but thank God, did listen when I wanted to slow which was pretty soon! I didn't bounce to much and want to repeat that. We went over the high bridge over the canal...didn't like that...don't think Red did either. We went down some more, turned to the left, turned right and the road ended in the marsh with fences. So we turned around.
I rode down the center of the bride on the way back and looked down straight ahead at the road. It was a little better but I don't like being in high places. It makes me nervous and scared.
We went down the way we came but instead of turning to get on the road we went straight.
Red worked on learning not to go when another horse goes...walk until I say trot...not when the other horse trots! He is learning and doing well. He startled one time at a bunch of grass in a hump oddly enough. We got to the end at the road and Red had jumped it with Barry leading him. I can't get off...We are on the hump about knee high over the ditch. Red doesn't want to walk down the ditch and I wasn't inclined to have him jump. If I fell off I could have killed myself or I would have never rode again if I got hurt! I went back and some nice guys opened the gate for me so Barry didn't have to dismount.
We clanked down the road...one of Red's shoes was loose...it has only been 12 days since he was shod. We rode for about 2.5 hours. It was fun and I enjoyed it...except it was very windy.
We got back and Barry was going to pull Red's loose shoe and jeez...BOTH of his shoes were GONE. We found one but the other was GONE. Rita and Paul even helped us look. Rita and I made plans for a Thursday ride at 2:00 pm.
Took Red's tack off and turned him out by himself in the large portable pen. We went to Cracker Barrel and then home. We had a good time. The kids came over for pizza and presents. That is always fun.
I did call Dan the Farrier when I got home. I told him Red's shoes came off and we made plans to meet at 9:00 AM in the morning to put his shoes back on.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Pat Visits Red
On Friday afternoon Barry brought Pat out to see Red. I didn't ride but I groomed Red and he was shedding like crazy. Pat could believe Barry was riding like a cowboy!!! I got a seat and brought it out to the arena so that Pat would be comfortable. He thought Red was a pretty boy.
Riding Red
My lower legs and ankles were hurting today which was strange. They generally never hurt like that. Barry and I went out to the Barn to see Red. Red was in with Titania and she was not real excited about me taking him out. She kept walking at me with her ears back. LOL She has taken a shine to Red. The other day that big Tennessee Walker started off sniffing Red over the fence that progressed to nibbling and was getting crankier. He put his ears back at Red and was going to bite him. LOL Titania turned around, ran at the TW with her ears back, turned her butt around and back up. TW decided to back off. I wanted to laugh...she let him know not to mess with her friend!
Anyway, Rich held Titania while I got Red out. Barry arrived seperately from me - he was supposed to be on his Harley but he couldn't get it started. Today was 2 years since his accident. I had got him some McDonalds.
I started brushing Red hoping someone would show up so I could go out in the marsh. Red's hair looks a little dull because it is full of dirt! I brushed and brushed. I picked his hooves and started braiding his hair. I had a cup of water and he kept wanting to drink it. What a pill.
A little boy came out to the barn and he wanted to pet Red. His birthday is the same as mine and I told him I would be riding in about one hour so his mom said she would bring him back. Another little girl came out that was supposed to meet Bridgett and she was petting Red. I explained that Bridgett had a family emergency. Someone else showed up but she didn't want to pet the horses she wanted to ride. LOL
After I groomed Red I was letting him eat grass and the little boy showed up. I saddled Red and rode him a little bit and then the little boy got on and Barry led him around. Bless his little heart - he will be 6 years old.
Later we were riding and Fern came out with Princess and we were both riding in the arena. I would have liked to have gone out but it didn't happen today. We enjoyed talking with Fern and her hubby.
LOL my little friend showed up dragging his grandpa!! His grandfather thanked me profusedly for letting his little grandson ride. Kelsie was riding and she got off to let the little boy ride again. There is nothing better than a horse for a child.
Kelsie is going to work for Bridgett!! Yay!!! She is going to work on weekends feeding and watering, cleaning stalls, turning out the horses and later doing trail rides. I am so happy for Kelsie. She loves horses and when I told her I was getting a horse months ago, at Starbucks, she started crying!!
I enjoyed my ride today and Barry rode Red too. Red's trot is really bouncy but his lope is smooth according to Barry.
I groomed him after we unsaddled him. Kelsie and I let him eat some more grass and then we put him up with his beloved Alfalfa.
Anyway, Rich held Titania while I got Red out. Barry arrived seperately from me - he was supposed to be on his Harley but he couldn't get it started. Today was 2 years since his accident. I had got him some McDonalds.
I started brushing Red hoping someone would show up so I could go out in the marsh. Red's hair looks a little dull because it is full of dirt! I brushed and brushed. I picked his hooves and started braiding his hair. I had a cup of water and he kept wanting to drink it. What a pill.
A little boy came out to the barn and he wanted to pet Red. His birthday is the same as mine and I told him I would be riding in about one hour so his mom said she would bring him back. Another little girl came out that was supposed to meet Bridgett and she was petting Red. I explained that Bridgett had a family emergency. Someone else showed up but she didn't want to pet the horses she wanted to ride. LOL
After I groomed Red I was letting him eat grass and the little boy showed up. I saddled Red and rode him a little bit and then the little boy got on and Barry led him around. Bless his little heart - he will be 6 years old.
Later we were riding and Fern came out with Princess and we were both riding in the arena. I would have liked to have gone out but it didn't happen today. We enjoyed talking with Fern and her hubby.
LOL my little friend showed up dragging his grandpa!! His grandfather thanked me profusedly for letting his little grandson ride. Kelsie was riding and she got off to let the little boy ride again. There is nothing better than a horse for a child.
Kelsie is going to work for Bridgett!! Yay!!! She is going to work on weekends feeding and watering, cleaning stalls, turning out the horses and later doing trail rides. I am so happy for Kelsie. She loves horses and when I told her I was getting a horse months ago, at Starbucks, she started crying!!
I enjoyed my ride today and Barry rode Red too. Red's trot is really bouncy but his lope is smooth according to Barry.
I groomed him after we unsaddled him. Kelsie and I let him eat some more grass and then we put him up with his beloved Alfalfa.
Red Goes Into The Marsh
Barry rode Red out into the marsh today while I was working on my wedding cake. He said Red did a great job. He had to get off of him and lead him over water puddles and once he crossed over and was pulling Red and Red was resisting. Finally Red just leaped over. Barry said it was nice out in the Marsh. I would love to go myself! Barry said Bridgett was going tomorrow at 2:00 and invited me to go. Woo Hoo.
Barry said he gave Red a bath and he put him out in the pasture and he said Red dropped and rolled immediately in the dirt. What a pig boy!
We delivered the wedding cake and went out to see Red. He was in his stall and wasn't as dirty as I thought he'd be. I gave him his supplement and alfalfa. OMGosh he loves that. We didn't stay long - Barry was ready to leave - he had already spent 3 hours with Red. We spoke to Miss Dorothy and she said Bridgett had left for Houston - her cousin's husband went kayaking and didn't come back. His car and the kayak was found but he was not. Cousin was in Kansas visiting and had to fly home and Bridgett was picking her up at the airport. OMGosh I hope they find this young man.
Barry said he gave Red a bath and he put him out in the pasture and he said Red dropped and rolled immediately in the dirt. What a pig boy!
We delivered the wedding cake and went out to see Red. He was in his stall and wasn't as dirty as I thought he'd be. I gave him his supplement and alfalfa. OMGosh he loves that. We didn't stay long - Barry was ready to leave - he had already spent 3 hours with Red. We spoke to Miss Dorothy and she said Bridgett had left for Houston - her cousin's husband went kayaking and didn't come back. His car and the kayak was found but he was not. Cousin was in Kansas visiting and had to fly home and Bridgett was picking her up at the airport. OMGosh I hope they find this young man.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Missing Red
I didn't go see Red this morning. I have a cake to make!
I went Wednesday morning and Barry and I rode Wednesday afternoon. He rode way before I got there and I only rode 10 minutes or less. Red was pretty tired when I got there...I had been to Louisiana. He had skinned his shoulder on something.
Yesterday I turning him out before having to start on my cakes. I did check on and order a trailer hitch. I am getting a trailer to go riding as soon as possible. Anywhoo...he was as messy as can be. Margaret said he is a pig in horse clothing and I think she is right. OMGosh he can't stop from rolling in the mud. He is always filthy no matter how much I brush and wash.
I gave him a bath yesterday and scrubbed as much mud off of him as possible. He is shedding too, so hair is going everywhere. I walked him and let him graze on green grass til he dried. It was a little chilly but he didn't seem to be cold. He went into his stall before the grain was there. He had hay but he wasn't interested in that. Rita dished up his grain and he was ready!
I came in with his alfalfa and he nibbled it but when back to his grain. He is gaining weight and looking good.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Red is a little messy today!
I had to go to Houston today and didn't get to see Red before I left. I went to the barn at 5:20 when I got home from Houston. LOL he had already ate and there was hay in his stall.
He had rolled in something and was FILTHY - omgosh he was dirty from head to toe! I got him his alfalfa - it is funny how that one thing really gets his interest. He stretches out for it and gets a big ole bite.
I was brushing him and trying to get the worst of the dirt off of him. He is so funny with his little cow licks! They are very pronounced on his flanks.
I was told the employee is now a former employee. What a shame. I really liked this young lady and still do. She is just young and needs to mature. I only wish the best for her.
Visiting Plum Nearly
I went to the stables today. Duke didn't have water so I gave him some. I gave Red hay. I left but returned before I got too far. It was cold and blustery but decided to put him out anyway. I put him in the pasture behind the second barn. I had to laugh at him. He was striding out when I was leading him but he was still well mannered. I turned him loose and he trotted off then busted out galloping and threw in a little buck. He ran full blast toward me, swerved, bucked up and slid to a stop! LOL He carried on a little but then dropped and rolled. He came up to let me pet him...he is so sweet.
Bridgett's MIL told me that Bridgett and Bryan had just got off the boat and were on their way home. She said she told Bridgett that she should expect calls from Fern, Rita and Denise. I didn't call her.
I left the stable and went to visit PNR. I spoke to Courtney and Lee Ann. They showed me the stall for Red and Duke is going too! They will be stable mates. I can't wait to get him there. They have two hot walkers, covered arena, etc. I talked to Lee Ann about Dressage and taking the lessons. I said it would help with my confidence that had taken a beating when I fell. She said the same had happened to her and she really understood. I am so looking forward to getting my confidence back.
I asked if she was familiar with Brenderup trailers. She said she knew people in Europe that used them and loved them. I am going to get on of those!
Later I went to the barn. Barry lunged Red in the arena and my goodness it was sloppy. Too wet to ride!
Barry left and I was grooming Red. He is shedding out and was pretty dirty. Bryan and Bridgett came out. Bryan came up and talked to me and apologized for the stalls. I realize they left someone else in charge that did not do their job and I told him that. H said the buck stopped with them. I said that I knew that and that I did expect the stall to be kept clean as that is what I paid for. I said that I knew that they had left someone else in charge to do it but that I wouldn't let Red stand in a dirty stall - they can get thrush and all kinds of yuk from standing in a dirty surroundings. Bridgett said she had asked the employee if she could handle it, got her a planner to write what was needed, etc.
I said that he was fed and and I took care of the rest. I guess it all worked out. Red got his alfalfa and that puts a smile on his face!
Cleaning a stall...its been awhile
Sunday morning Montezuma visited me and took a revenge for some wrong I obviously committed.
I was able to go to the barn at 11:30. I asked Barry to take Red out for grass. Poor ole guy - his butt was COVERED in horse poop. He stayed out for awhile but Barry is getting sick himself so he didn't want to stay out in the cold weather. He put Red in the cross ties. Barry groomed him until the horse poop was gone.
I started picking up horse hockies with the fork rake thingie. I pulled up a huge wheelbarrow full of poop. Picked up the loose dirty hay. Filled it up with clean shaving - mercy they are full of dust!
Red was put back in his stall and he loves to see his alfalfa coming! LOL he is funny when he sees the alfalfa. Hay doesn't do the same - but when he sees the green stuff he can't wait to take a bite out of it.
The new horse, Duke, got away from his master. Ripped the halter and was running around. Alfalfa to the rescue - he stopped for that!
Later, I went back to the barn. The sun came out for a little bit. I talked to John and we discussed my stall being dirty. I said that I paid for full board and expected to get it - I don't mind cleaning my own stall but that I mind paying for it and then having to do it myself.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Red's Bed is dirty
Went up to the barn this morning and Red's stall smells strong of ammonia. Plenty of horse hockeys all over the place - he didn't eat all of his hay so hay was scattered around. He had 1/2 buckets of water. Sign...I just don't understand why his stall is not cleaned properly. If I wasn't moving him and would speak to the Barn Manager about it.
Barry and I went up in the country and picked up Archie. We visited with Archie yesterday. He called me yesterday morning and we stopped and visited with him after looking at the gelding Davey. He asked if we wanted to go up to Center and look at some reining horses so that is what we did today. We ate at Martin's Mexican Food in Jasper (pronounced Marteens) and then up the country we went to Hemphill area. Omgosh is it pretty up there. Arch's friend wasn't home but the land was gorgeous and I would love to have it.
We came back home and went to the barn to check on Red. Stall still dirty. He was eating and there was plenty of fresh hay in his stall. I gave him his suppliment and got his alfalfa. Alfalfa must be ice cream to a horse. He can't wait to get his first bite of it. I stuck it in his bucket and he was so funny! He stuck his nose way way way down in the bucket to scarf it up.
Courtney's litte mare was trying to stick her nose into the stall to get some of his alfalfa so I gave her a bite, which she scarfed up. Red actually laid back his ears at her but didn't snap at her - she couldn't get it anyway but he was a little concerned about it!
I will clean his stall myself tomorrow if it is not cleaned in the morning. I do not want him standing in a dirty stall. That is just nasty.
Barry and I went up in the country and picked up Archie. We visited with Archie yesterday. He called me yesterday morning and we stopped and visited with him after looking at the gelding Davey. He asked if we wanted to go up to Center and look at some reining horses so that is what we did today. We ate at Martin's Mexican Food in Jasper (pronounced Marteens) and then up the country we went to Hemphill area. Omgosh is it pretty up there. Arch's friend wasn't home but the land was gorgeous and I would love to have it.
We came back home and went to the barn to check on Red. Stall still dirty. He was eating and there was plenty of fresh hay in his stall. I gave him his suppliment and got his alfalfa. Alfalfa must be ice cream to a horse. He can't wait to get his first bite of it. I stuck it in his bucket and he was so funny! He stuck his nose way way way down in the bucket to scarf it up.
Courtney's litte mare was trying to stick her nose into the stall to get some of his alfalfa so I gave her a bite, which she scarfed up. Red actually laid back his ears at her but didn't snap at her - she couldn't get it anyway but he was a little concerned about it!
I will clean his stall myself tomorrow if it is not cleaned in the morning. I do not want him standing in a dirty stall. That is just nasty.
Looking for Mr. Goodbar
Barry and I went up in the country today to look at a big gelding Davey. He is 16.1 and about 1300 lbs and rides English and Western. Davey was very sweet and well mannered and lunges on voice commands. Jumps, too.
He is a big line back dun with a curly mane. He had a big gouge in his neck poor guy and was full of nicks and bangs.
Barry doesn't like duns so Davey didn't come home with us.
He is a big line back dun with a curly mane. He had a big gouge in his neck poor guy and was full of nicks and bangs.
Barry doesn't like duns so Davey didn't come home with us.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Red has a manicure


Red had his two front shoes put on today. I had the farrier out today for the first time since I bought my horse. It has been years since I watched a farrier work!
He was so nice and patiently answered all of my questions and explained hoof structure with me. He said that Red's right hoof was slightly atrophied and he wasn't putting the same amount of weight on both hooves. He did some corrective shoeing on his front feet. He said that the hooves were a little long and were rolling under at the heels and he corrected that.
He explained about the white line in his hooves and how weight is distributed. Red stood there so patiently while he worked. He is such a sweetie.
He pointed out an old abcess that he said was from long ago and he drilled it out and put a black sulphur type salve on it.
I spoke to his former owner and she said (I had been told about this) that Red had stepped on a nail several years ago and injured his hoof. As they knew as soon as it happened it didn't get out of hand and healed up.
I did tell him that while Red is nearly perfect in behavior that he sometimes is not as easy picking up his back right hoof. He wants to put it back down! He turned and ran his fingers on Red's flank and pressed. Red reacted immediately to his fingers and he humped up his back. He said he was sore in that area and he showed me how to massage it. He said to massage it every other day for 3 minutes or so. He is doing a seminar in 2 weeks on flexation of horses and I am going to go. The more I learn the better.
I gave him a tip today remembering the old adage
"$$ for work. $$$$$$ if you help" LOL I made this layout of Red's farrier encounter!
Monday, February 9, 2009
Red Stayed in today
It was nasty out today and I didn't want Red out in the rain so he stayed inside today. Courtney and I went up to Margaret's today and I took cake to her and Ronnie. She and Courtney LOVED the cake and LOL so did Floyd the giant Great Dane and Buck, the Rhodisian Ridgeback. Margaret said Floyd generally wouldn't eat anything sweet - I don't think Betsy would either - but he was scarfing up the French Vanilla cake!!
We did go out to see the babies - we gave the little filly a soft pat and then in the back, Butterbean, Cub and my little friend, Bones. I just love Bones. He is going to be a GORGEOUS Quarter Horse when he is grown. He literally has a perfect Quarter Horse back. Red has high withers where Bones doesn't, just a smooth flat back. Darling Darling Boy.
Barry helped me pack up the first saddle and we took it to UPS in Beaumont and shipped it back to Teskeys. I spoke to John and told him it was shipped and that I appreciated their wonderful customer service. He said they appreciated my business - I would recommend Teskey's to anyone!
We stopped at the stables and were going to lunge Red but he was eating and that boy is serious about his feed! This morning was the FIRST time he left hay in his stall. Margaret said that the week she had him while Barry had surgery it was hard to fill him up. He was HUNGRY. They weren't feeding him enough hay. Just a little swirl that amounted to a tiny salad. Courtney gave him a flake of her good hay and I gave him the rest of the alfalfa which was probably a flake and a half.
He looked terrific. I got my soft wash scrub mit thingy and was brushing him. His coat really shines now that he had a bath. He was filthy with dust. Even though he has been rinsed off he hasn't had a bath since he was at Margaret's a week ago. He got a good bath yesterday!
I called the farrier today and he is supposed to come either tomorrow or Wednesday. I want to talk to him about Red's feet so I can learn more to make sure that he has what he needs, when he needs it.
I enjoy taking care of Red. He makes my day!
We did go out to see the babies - we gave the little filly a soft pat and then in the back, Butterbean, Cub and my little friend, Bones. I just love Bones. He is going to be a GORGEOUS Quarter Horse when he is grown. He literally has a perfect Quarter Horse back. Red has high withers where Bones doesn't, just a smooth flat back. Darling Darling Boy.
Barry helped me pack up the first saddle and we took it to UPS in Beaumont and shipped it back to Teskeys. I spoke to John and told him it was shipped and that I appreciated their wonderful customer service. He said they appreciated my business - I would recommend Teskey's to anyone!
We stopped at the stables and were going to lunge Red but he was eating and that boy is serious about his feed! This morning was the FIRST time he left hay in his stall. Margaret said that the week she had him while Barry had surgery it was hard to fill him up. He was HUNGRY. They weren't feeding him enough hay. Just a little swirl that amounted to a tiny salad. Courtney gave him a flake of her good hay and I gave him the rest of the alfalfa which was probably a flake and a half.
He looked terrific. I got my soft wash scrub mit thingy and was brushing him. His coat really shines now that he had a bath. He was filthy with dust. Even though he has been rinsed off he hasn't had a bath since he was at Margaret's a week ago. He got a good bath yesterday!
I called the farrier today and he is supposed to come either tomorrow or Wednesday. I want to talk to him about Red's feet so I can learn more to make sure that he has what he needs, when he needs it.
I enjoy taking care of Red. He makes my day!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Red Throws a Shoe!
On Friday afternoon Barry and I rode Red. He was a little fussy for him! I was cleaning his hoofs after the ride and he had thrown a shoe! Courtney told me that Ellen the little former racehorse, had got out and Red was racing her down the fences. Courtney said "he can REALLY move!" I think that is when he threw the shoe!!
I called the farrier but he is out of town!
I called the farrier but he is out of town!
My new Saddle arrived!!!

On Thursday evening my new saddle arrived from Billy Cook. God bless them. It is a little different than the one I had - it has a black seat but I really like it.
Barry and I went to the barn Friday and rode. It fits better! I took this picture of Red with Barry. I got some new scrapbook files too!
Saturday Barry rode Red with spurs and said he greatly improved and really moved. I went out to see Red after delivering my wedding cake. What a sweetie!
Today I met Barry out there. He played golf and I had a cake consultation. I brought McDonalds for lunch. Betty came to see Red so this was her first time to see him. I rode him and he was being a little stubborn about backing up in the saddle. I got off and got his attention and backed him up, walked, backed him up. Still, in the saddle, he could have been more responsive. He backed by not like he should have.
Barry rode and so did Kelsie. The Wilsons came to visit too! Red had quiet a little spectator audience going! LOL
He worked up a good sweat and was breathing kinda hard - he is not in great shape but we are working on that.
I gave him a shampoo bath and he was scrubbed up with lather. He is starting to shed and when I had brushed him before saddling him, hair was flying! I scrubbed and scrubbed him to get as much dirt out as possible. I rinsed him and scraped the water off. After that I let him graze in the clover for about a hour or so. I put him up and gave him his suppliment and Courtney fed him. She is going to start giving him a 1/2 scoop more of oats. I gave him plenty of coastal hay and a flake of his alfalfa. I will have to go get some more alfalfa on Tuesday in Louisiana.
I called about a horse for Barry. He needs one. I am going to look at one up in Hillister tomorrow. Bigger than Red and rides English and Western.
I am going to go trail riding with Cindy up in Fred next weekend. Woo Hoo. Can't wait!
I need a trailer and am seriously considering purchasing one pretty darn soon. I want Barry to get a horse so that we can ride together instead of taking turns in the arena!
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Kade meets Red

Kade came out to the barn and wasn't afraid of Red at all. He liked petting his legs!! LOL Red just looked at him and sniffed him and was his gentle self. Jarrod put Kade on Red but he was upset and JP took him off. I don't want to upset Kade...I want him to like horses.
He wanted to brush Red so he got to groom him and he liked that!
I rode Red a little while and so did Barry. I try to ride him everyday and am going to work hard on my wedding cake this weekend so I can ride!
I Photoshopped a picture of Red, Barry and Kade!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Red is just fine!
I went out to the stables today and had to play the "where is my horse" game! Looking here, there, to and fro to find Red. He was in a paddock with Ellen, the little former race horse. He walked away from me and then stood there for me to put his halter on! LOL he was playing hard to get.
Barry saddled him & I told him to go s-l-o-w!!!! We went into the arena & Barry rode first because the stirrups were at his level. I rode later and Red did just fine but he is way better when other horses are in the arena or on the trail.
He had a snack of grass after riding while I got his hay. He just had a handful of hay...I got him a big ole gob of hay...my boy NEEDS plenty of hay everyday. There was a about a 1/3 cup of pellets left in his bucket from this morning so that is good. I added a flake of alfalfa for him so he should be full after all of that!!
Courtney drove up while we were saddling up and she broke her arm poor baby. I knocked on her door before I left to make sure she was ok. I told her to call me if she needed me.
We talked to Paul and Rita and Rita said we could ride Adeo if we would like. That was so sweet of her.
I talked to Michael Teskey this morning and my new saddle will be shipped directly from Billy Cook's saddle shop. Woo Hoo!!! Can't wait.
Talked to Kay in Austin about a Brenderup trailer. I believe that is what I am going to purchase. I called Dupont about financing it. It will be about 6.5% so I may save 1/2 of the cost and finance the rest so I don't deplete my savings. It is approximately 14K so it isn't cheap, but I can haul it with my Rav4 and that is important to me.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Big Red Big Scare
I had a big scare today with Red. I went to the stable and Courtney and I were going to ride. I took Red from his stall & had him near the wash rack and the lead rope was looped around the wash bar. I groomed him a little - he is dusty from the new shavings blowing like crazy. I carefully put on his new saddle and was amazed at how light it is compared to the other one.
I proceeded to cinch up his saddle but not overly tight. I was fiddling with the strap and all of a sudden he folded up at the knees and collapsed on his front knees. I stepped back and my brain went in a zillion directions. He popped up so fast it was like it never happened. He just stood there like it was nothing. I quickly felt the cinch and asked Courtney if she saw it but she kinda missed it as she was on the other side of her horse.
I stuck my fingers in his cinch but it wasn't tight. I quickly took off his saddle and told Courtney I might not ride. I walked him over to the grass and called Margaret to see if he had ever done that before. She said no and to put the saddle back on and slowly cinch it up while walking him in between cinching.
I carefully put the saddle back on him and walked him while slowly cinching the saddle. I got on him and rode him in the arena. He seemed fine. No issues but I think I am scarred for life.
I got out and posted on the the horse forum and several people thought it was a pinched nerve - a vagus nerve. I will change the cinch to the natural colored one that I had bought. It has a wider leather piece on the breast side of the girth and hopefully is more comfortable.
I found this blog midwesthorse.blogspot.com/2008/10/well-we-didnt-get-down-field-but.htm.?showComment-1225407240000 and it had some information about this very thing. I will never just cinch up Red or any other horse for that matter. I think I went white headed.
I went back to the barn later to check on him and he was fine. It is me that is having hissy fits.
Red in the Round Pen!
Red goes Round and Round! 

Red is a dream come true for me. He couldn't be sweeter and more fun to be around. I groomed him this morning and put him back in his stall with a flake of alfalfa. I went back later and he had rolled in the mud when they put them out to clean the stalls. He was too dirty to ride! I gave him a rinse off (didn't have shampoo - I will be buying some tomorrow) and we then lunged him. Later I brushed and brushed him and he ate grass for about 30 minutes on his lead line. Back in the stall with some hay. I was going to get his salt block out of the other stall and it was a mess - it has to stay there! I will buy him another block tomorrow.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
We go for a trail ride!
Bruce Jr. said I could borrow his trailer - what a doll!!! We went Saturday morning to pick up his trailer and then went to the stables to get Red. He had finished his lesson with the little boy and did wonderful. I asked James if he enjoyed it but he didn't answer - that is ok though - he enjoyed himself and Red did a good job. I would like to get a picture of Red with James for the blog.
We loaded Red up - he jumped in like the PRO he is and off we went. We got up to Margaret's at 12:15. I took Margaret a chocolate cake as she LOVES chocolate. Barry and Ronnie saddled Red up to see if the saddle fits him and it does. Terrific. We got into the area and I got on. Saddle is a tiny bit big...it is going back for a 16. Margaret thought hers was a 17 and that is why I got a 17. Hers fit! She got the ruler out and hers in a 16 so this one is going back and Michael Teskey said he would send a new one. He is a very nice person to do business with.
Barry and I both rode him around back and forth. Red was doing just great. He made me laugh though. He was really shaking his head today. I don't think he was thrilled with the bit in his mouth today.
Margaret was on Easy, Barry was on Butterbean and Ronnie was on Cub. We went on a trail ride and I had a blast. Red does way way way better out of the arena. He really strides out instead of walking so slow with his head down! His head was held up higher too. He was more likely to just take off so I was watching him. I don't want him to think he can just take off!
Cub skirted way to the left quickly (not a freak out though) when he spotted a deer stand. Red didn't even look at it twice. He had a little problem going through water though but he got over it and went through. We went all over and it was better than sliced bread. I had so much fun and it was so relaxing.
Barry had a good time too. We went back to the barn and Margaret got dinner ready with a little help from me while Barry and Ronnie washed horses. Barry rode Red again and then we washed Red, too, and put him on the walker.
We got home at 9:00 PM. We had so much fun...way more than we have had in a long time. Red is good for me.
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