Sunday morning I called Jamie and asked him to lock up The Biscuit! I got there and hooked up the trailer first. Biscuit was pacing back and forth and trying to get out of the corral. LOL tough are in the pen!!!
He gave me a little flack catching him but soon I had the halter on him and going down the ranch road. I stopped and wet my cool vest and yalmulke. I got to the part before Kellie and tacked up Biscuit. I didn't pull the girth near as tight as I usually do. He has that fungus on his shoulder and there is a bare spot. Not open but no hair all the same. I put Desitin on it to make sure it didn't rub.
Kellie got there and tacked up. She stood in front of Biscuit while I mounted up just in case my much looser saddle didn't slip. We headed into the woods but it was pretty dang soft. Not standing water but sink down to the fetlocks mud.
We went out Cattail Marsh. A man was going in as we were going out and Biscuit wanted to follow him. LOL I think he was hoping to snag a treat. We rode down the bayou and the grass was high. We crossed the bridge and DANG a huge PINK bird with a 4 to 5 foot wingspan flew overhead. I thought is was a flamingo. Did I have my camera out? NO. Ugh.
We had a great ride around the bog. It was warm but not unbearable. We rode up close to the retention ponds hoping to see the pink bird again or maybe his flock...didn't happen but we saw plenty of red winged blackbirds.
I gave Biscuit a good bath with the fungus shampoo at the park. Kellie and I visited and she gave Biscuit a banana peel which he did eat.
When I got back to the barn, I took Biscuit into the arena and worked with him. He did a great job. I cleaned out the trailer too. Pulled out the mats and washed it out. Hauled Biscuit back to his pasture and pulled the mats out there and left them out.
We had a great time Sunday
Pink Bird Ride at EveryTrail
EveryTrail - Find the best Hiking near Beaumont, Texas
Trail horse riding Camping in my Brenderup Barefoot trimming Learning about EPM, COPD and Anhydrosis in horses.
Monday, June 30, 2014
Tuesday works with Biscuit
Tuesday morning I went to the barn and worked with Biscuit. He does a great job in the arena. I did something that Kellie said Mike Holtham taught her. Stop Biscuit and make him stand still and me walk up to him.
We did that several times and then he did join up with me and walk around. He is terrific in the arena. I went out there Thursday during the day and he refused to come to me. Thursday evening he came in by his own accord. Saturday he did too. Sometimes he will but not if he thinks I am going to "get him".
I will keep working with him and hopefully it will eventually stick!
We did that several times and then he did join up with me and walk around. He is terrific in the arena. I went out there Thursday during the day and he refused to come to me. Thursday evening he came in by his own accord. Saturday he did too. Sometimes he will but not if he thinks I am going to "get him".
I will keep working with him and hopefully it will eventually stick!
Our first trip with the new camper
I worked with Biscuit before going to Ebenezer. He was doing ok. Listens well in the arena - not so good in the field. We went to the barn Wednesday and packed up feed, hay and tack. I spent hours packing the trailer - shopping at the big HEB dang near done me in.
Thursday morning Barry was pulling out at 7:30 AM. I was right behind him to go to the barn. I took feed down to the horses and Biscuit would have non of it. Dang. I took Sarge up to the front and waited til Jamie got there. Biscuit came in for Jamie. I was late leaving by one hour because of Biscuit's issues and concerns.
I haltered him and he loaded easily and I picked up Sarge and off we went. I left around 9:00 AM. I stopped once in Buna and kept going. I got there at 11:20 AM and unloaded the horses. Barry already had the trailer set up and ready to go. We rested a little and went to town to look for a part for the trailer we thought we needed. Then took a ride to the place where you turn left to go to the Beaver Pond. We turned right and back to the park. Probably a 3 mile ride - my Garmin wasn't working...dead batteries.
The ride was very nice. Horses were behaving nicely. Peaceful ride. There was a downed tree Biscuit didn't want to cross so I got off and Barry led him over it. I was able to climb up on the tree and balance and remount!! Woot!!!
We met some people in the park that wanted to ride with us on Friday so we agreed on a time.
The hot water wasn't working so I had a cold shower and we watched TV. So nice to have a trailer!!! The bed was comfortable too!
Friday morning I tacked Biscuit up and he was being a bit of a pill to saddle wihich is unusual. Cherie and her friend Tammy arrived a little late but that was ok. We rode out with 10 people heading for Double Heart. it was a wonderful ride. My cool vest kept it nice and cool. We crossed creeks and walked over logs. We stopped and rested at the Beaver Pond. When we got to the #8 we went straight. Gorgeous trails!!



When we got to Double Heart Ranch we all got off and rested. We ate our lunches and visited. Such a pleasant ride!!! We went back down the trail going in a big loop. We arrived back at the #8 coming from the left side. We rested at the creek crossing and OMG Biscuit humped up some of the inclines like he was a steeple chaser. We went back the same trail Barry and I rode the day before so they went back on a different ride.
Leading a ride to Double Heart Ranch at EveryTrail
We had rode 13.99 miles when we arrived back at Ebenezer. I hosed Biscuit off and we visited with Kellie and Randy. Got to show off the new trailer. Randy said the lines needed to be "bled" and then we had heat for the shower and gas for the stove. LOL Barry and I are learning about RV-ing. We all went and ate at The Stump. James and Bev arrived and they toured the camper too. We are riding back to Double Heart with them on Saturday. Kellie and Randy came over and watched the movie "Heat" with us. LOL I thought Randy was going to wet his pants laughing so hard.
The bed was pretty comfy so we had no trouble sleeping. Aaaaaahhhhh...a veritable Taj Mahal!!!
The next morning just when we were going to tack up Sarge started splotching up some. I gave him the "epi-pen" in the jugular vein and Barry and Kellie crushed up Benedryl and gave it to him like wormer in yogurt. He liked that. We called the vet and Doc said ride him.
Barry saddled him and rode about 1/4 mile and decided to turn around as Sarge was pretty zonked from the Benedryl. Randy and Kellie rode to the 4 way and went right. Bev, James and I went left and rode to the Beaver Pond. Stopped to rest...then headed to Double Heart. We stopped at the little sandy creek crossing and ate lunch. So beautiful. I resoaked my cool vest and yamulke. I was cool as could be.
We started of again and went straight up the trail from #8. Gorgeous ride - Beverly thought it was so pretty and it really is. Lots more shade on that side.
We got to Double Heart and ran into Cherry - the lady I bought my little RoadRunner Trailer from!!! Who would have thunk it?
We rested under the pavilion and we both said we'd like to camp there. The bathroom and Shower room were so cute!!!
We headed back and crossed all the creeks. Biscuit was listening to "no running up inclines". LOL I think the 31 miles we rode that weekend took the edge off. :-)
When we got back Bev's son's were there setting up her birthday party. Biscuit spooked at the balloons right by their covered patio table. Gaaaa...that was head height! I hosed Biscuit off and put meds on his fungus.
We ate with Bev, James, their sons Scott ad Kurt, Kellie and Randy. We had a good time. It was hot by their trailer so we headed for ours and brought out the little tower fan which kept us cool. Barry, Randy and James worked on the TV/Radio/DVD player in the trailer and got the radio working and for it to all come on. It was a blown fuse after all!!
We decided not to ride Sunday morning for various reasons. We ate a nice breakfast and then started packing up. I stripped the bed and put all of the dirty clothes in the basket by the back door so all we had to do was open the back door and take it out. I cleaned the horse pens using my new poop cart! So glad to have my own. I dumped the water out, picked up haybags and feed bins.
We loaded the horses and pulled out. I stopped with Barry while he dumped the grey/black water and we headed to Jasper. We pulled over there to gas up and air up my tires. Barry pulled a little faster than me but I am a careful hauler with my horses! It poured down rain going through Evadale and dropped 15 degrees in minutes. Got to the barn and unloaded the horses. Ugh. Biscuit had pooped which is normal but dang...for only the 3rd time in the time I have owned the Brenderup was it pee'd in. Sarge peed in the trailer. I turned them out and headed home.
We had to take the food out and I put that away and started laundry.
What we did discover is the queen sized bed had double bed sheets. Barry said I was taking all of the sheet. LOL I am going to buy a queen sized fitted and a king sized top sheet for the trailer. I want to finish one of my quilts to put on the bed. I was sneezing and my voice went hoarse....I am pretty sure it is the carpet in the trailer. Ugh. I don't like carpet.
I have more pictures but my computer is in the shop. Will have to wait to upload those!

When we got to Double Heart Ranch we all got off and rested. We ate our lunches and visited. Such a pleasant ride!!! We went back down the trail going in a big loop. We arrived back at the #8 coming from the left side. We rested at the creek crossing and OMG Biscuit humped up some of the inclines like he was a steeple chaser. We went back the same trail Barry and I rode the day before so they went back on a different ride.
Leading a ride to Double Heart Ranch at EveryTrail
We had rode 13.99 miles when we arrived back at Ebenezer. I hosed Biscuit off and we visited with Kellie and Randy. Got to show off the new trailer. Randy said the lines needed to be "bled" and then we had heat for the shower and gas for the stove. LOL Barry and I are learning about RV-ing. We all went and ate at The Stump. James and Bev arrived and they toured the camper too. We are riding back to Double Heart with them on Saturday. Kellie and Randy came over and watched the movie "Heat" with us. LOL I thought Randy was going to wet his pants laughing so hard.
The bed was pretty comfy so we had no trouble sleeping. Aaaaaahhhhh...a veritable Taj Mahal!!!
The next morning just when we were going to tack up Sarge started splotching up some. I gave him the "epi-pen" in the jugular vein and Barry and Kellie crushed up Benedryl and gave it to him like wormer in yogurt. He liked that. We called the vet and Doc said ride him.
Barry saddled him and rode about 1/4 mile and decided to turn around as Sarge was pretty zonked from the Benedryl. Randy and Kellie rode to the 4 way and went right. Bev, James and I went left and rode to the Beaver Pond. Stopped to rest...then headed to Double Heart. We stopped at the little sandy creek crossing and ate lunch. So beautiful. I resoaked my cool vest and yamulke. I was cool as could be.
We started of again and went straight up the trail from #8. Gorgeous ride - Beverly thought it was so pretty and it really is. Lots more shade on that side.
We got to Double Heart and ran into Cherry - the lady I bought my little RoadRunner Trailer from!!! Who would have thunk it?
We rested under the pavilion and we both said we'd like to camp there. The bathroom and Shower room were so cute!!!
We headed back and crossed all the creeks. Biscuit was listening to "no running up inclines". LOL I think the 31 miles we rode that weekend took the edge off. :-)
When we got back Bev's son's were there setting up her birthday party. Biscuit spooked at the balloons right by their covered patio table. Gaaaa...that was head height! I hosed Biscuit off and put meds on his fungus.
We ate with Bev, James, their sons Scott ad Kurt, Kellie and Randy. We had a good time. It was hot by their trailer so we headed for ours and brought out the little tower fan which kept us cool. Barry, Randy and James worked on the TV/Radio/DVD player in the trailer and got the radio working and for it to all come on. It was a blown fuse after all!!
We decided not to ride Sunday morning for various reasons. We ate a nice breakfast and then started packing up. I stripped the bed and put all of the dirty clothes in the basket by the back door so all we had to do was open the back door and take it out. I cleaned the horse pens using my new poop cart! So glad to have my own. I dumped the water out, picked up haybags and feed bins.
We loaded the horses and pulled out. I stopped with Barry while he dumped the grey/black water and we headed to Jasper. We pulled over there to gas up and air up my tires. Barry pulled a little faster than me but I am a careful hauler with my horses! It poured down rain going through Evadale and dropped 15 degrees in minutes. Got to the barn and unloaded the horses. Ugh. Biscuit had pooped which is normal but dang...for only the 3rd time in the time I have owned the Brenderup was it pee'd in. Sarge peed in the trailer. I turned them out and headed home.
We had to take the food out and I put that away and started laundry.
What we did discover is the queen sized bed had double bed sheets. Barry said I was taking all of the sheet. LOL I am going to buy a queen sized fitted and a king sized top sheet for the trailer. I want to finish one of my quilts to put on the bed. I was sneezing and my voice went hoarse....I am pretty sure it is the carpet in the trailer. Ugh. I don't like carpet.
I have more pictures but my computer is in the shop. Will have to wait to upload those!
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Working with the Biscuit
I went out to the barn early this morning. Biscuit and Sarge were in their little pen. I put the halter on Biscuit and walked him up to the barn. I brushed him off. His legs had a few blood spots but not near as many as they have in the past. I took the vinegar spray bottle out and sprayed his legs til they were literally soaked. I also sprayed it on his fungus area on his back - it is not active at this time and I want to keep it that way. I sprayed it down his backbone til it was soaked.
I took him into the arena and worked on his lunging. He does a great job in the arena for the most part. Snorting and blowing as he comes into me but he does a good job of turning when asked. He sometimes wants to do it almost robotic like whether I have asked for a certain move or not. I have to get his attention then.
He followed me all over the arena but I know he is still not coming to me in the pasture. I will keep working at it. Took him down and turned him loose in the pasture. Off he went.
I stopped at the health food store and got essential oil of Citronella. I am putting it in the vinegar spray for my horses. It was $17 and that is cheaper than the spray I bought the other day and this will make gallons of spray. It seems to work wondefully.
We are getting ready for our trip to Ebenezer and I can't wait.
Monday, June 16, 2014
Pushing open the gate
Biscuit or Sarge is pushing open the gate of the corral. I am attached Biscuit' nylon halter to the fence so they can loop it closed when they lock them in for me.
I got out there today and they were out so I wasn't able to work with Biscuit. I worked with my Brenderup. I had put the broom and the pitch fork under the mats so the floor would dry. It was still a little wet under there so I opened the back and hauled the mats out and flipped them over so the bottom of the mats dries. I swept it out. I gathered the water bottles out of the tack closet. I was considering how I can make the most of the space in the Brenderup.
I will put the hose in the top of the shelf along with their flat feed pans. I want to add some tie bolts to attach a net up there to make sure nothing comes loose.
I think a board set in front of the breast bar would work. Hay in front of the bar would hold the board in place. Fork and broom held in by Bungie cords. I think a container with the feed in gallon baggies will work.
I went up to the front and visited with Ms. Jean and the LeeAnns. Went back down and put the mats back into the trailer and shut it up.
I went back at 10 minutes to 5 this evening. I was able to entice the horses into the corral with BOSS in their buckets. I haltered Biscuit and lounged him in the pasture. He was a BUTT for quiet a bit of the time. He finally join up with me but he was snorting like he was unsure. Dang...hoping he calms down and quits acting like I am killing. him.
Sunday, June 15, 2014
Getting the trailer ready for travel
Barry worked with the DVD and radio. It doesn't work. He bought a small DVD yesterday. I had a hard time hearing it. So today we went to Cracker Barrel to eat breakfast and then to Tractor Supply. I got some new boots! Woot!!! We went to Sam's and bought new pots and pans, dishes and knives. Woo hoo.
We came home and then went to Best Buy and WalMart and got a sound bar so I can hear better. I also got a little electric broom/dustbuster and a red 2 slice toaster for the trailer.
The boys came over with the grandkids and they loved the trailer. I am keeping the new pots in the house and using the old ones outside. The gas stove will heat those better than the electric does.
Saturday Ride at Tyrrell Park
Tyrrell Park Saturday Ride with Kellie
EveryTrail - Find the best Hiking in Texas Kellie and I made a ride at Tyrrell Park. We haven't been in weeks due to several different issues. I hauled out and got Biscuit out of the pasture. I fed him in the pasture and then loaded him up. I got to the park and started tacking him up. He kept jumping and acting nervous at little things. Once he did a big jump forward when the little chickens were behind him. Kellie said "what the heck it up with him doing that? He acts like you are going to hit him". I told her he has been this way since I started working with him in the arena but that he calms down when I get in the saddle. We saddled up and hit the trails to the right. They were a little soft but not bad at all. We went all the way around, going down the new trails too. Ugh. quiet a few spiders. They were little but I got a facefull several times...once with the spider. Ugh. A spider was crawling up the side of my neck. Another was crawling on Biscuit's neck, and Kellie brushed one off of my cantle. Woo hoo....NOT. Some men were on the new trails wiht little beagles and we talked to them. Kept going till we got to the front and then turned around and went back around. We then went down a right of way. Several downed trees. We crossed over the rootball of the tree that gave me the black eye. It is solid now. Biscuit hestitated a little but kept going. We rode 4.8 miles and had a great time We rinsed them off and then headed out. I went to Broussards Farm to see Betty's cakes I helped her decorate!
Friday, June 13, 2014
Ebenezer to MT Ranch
Ride to the Double Heart at EveryTrail
EveryTrail - Find the best Hiking in Texas Had a ride at Ebenezer planned. Two other Hags on Nags wanted to join it and the last moment Cherie couldn't go but Lynn and Deborah were still up for a ride.
I got up before 6:00 and got out to the barn about 6:30. Biscuit was in the stud pen so no problems catching him. I fed him and then loaded him up. I left the barn at 7:03 AM and headed out. I stopped in Buna for a coke and pistachios. :-)
I got to the park around 9:15. I met Lynn and Deborah and we tacked up. They were super nice ladies. We headed down the front trail to the Beaver Pond. We stopped there and rested a bit and then headed out. No problems at all. Biscuit was being a doll. We passed about 6 people out behind the pond and we spoke with them. We kept going and got on the tram. Lots more water than had been there last week. Not muddy but standing water.
The last time I rode there with Margaret it had been burned. That was 7 weeks ago. It was all green and had I not known it had been burned I wouldn't have been able to tell.
We crossed creeks and stopped at the little sandy creek for a short while letting the horses drink. We kept going and the terrain changed as we got closer to MT. Lynn had rode in the ACTHA ride from MT last week and when we got closer to that she recognized some of the trail markers.
One creek had a worn down deep path to cross and Biscuit gave me some flack getting into the groove of it. He wanted to go down the sloping sides and that was way more steep and slippery. Had to turn him several times to get him to do what I wanted. I insisted he WALK over little creeks instead of jumping them. He did a great job.
We got to MT Ranch and talked to Tammy. I could see Red out in the field and she said he was doing well. They sent off some of his hair to analyse and he had a thyroid problem and a few other issues they are using supplements for. He is sweating fairly well at this time.
MT Ranch was 7.2 miles from Ebenezer. Gorgeous ride. We came to the place where we had to go up to the tram and Deborah's horse humped up it and dang, Biscuit did too. Felt like he was bucking but I stayed on!! Wooo hoooo.
We were in the saddle for 6 hours and just had a fantastic time. It was hot but the cool vest kept me going just fine.
Total was 14.4 miles.
I was pretty dang tired when I got off. I washed Biscuit off and we sat and visited a little before heading out. I got home at 7:30 PM.
EveryTrail - Find the best Hiking in Texas Had a ride at Ebenezer planned. Two other Hags on Nags wanted to join it and the last moment Cherie couldn't go but Lynn and Deborah were still up for a ride.
I got up before 6:00 and got out to the barn about 6:30. Biscuit was in the stud pen so no problems catching him. I fed him and then loaded him up. I left the barn at 7:03 AM and headed out. I stopped in Buna for a coke and pistachios. :-)
I got to the park around 9:15. I met Lynn and Deborah and we tacked up. They were super nice ladies. We headed down the front trail to the Beaver Pond. We stopped there and rested a bit and then headed out. No problems at all. Biscuit was being a doll. We passed about 6 people out behind the pond and we spoke with them. We kept going and got on the tram. Lots more water than had been there last week. Not muddy but standing water.
The last time I rode there with Margaret it had been burned. That was 7 weeks ago. It was all green and had I not known it had been burned I wouldn't have been able to tell.
We crossed creeks and stopped at the little sandy creek for a short while letting the horses drink. We kept going and the terrain changed as we got closer to MT. Lynn had rode in the ACTHA ride from MT last week and when we got closer to that she recognized some of the trail markers.
One creek had a worn down deep path to cross and Biscuit gave me some flack getting into the groove of it. He wanted to go down the sloping sides and that was way more steep and slippery. Had to turn him several times to get him to do what I wanted. I insisted he WALK over little creeks instead of jumping them. He did a great job.
We got to MT Ranch and talked to Tammy. I could see Red out in the field and she said he was doing well. They sent off some of his hair to analyse and he had a thyroid problem and a few other issues they are using supplements for. He is sweating fairly well at this time.
MT Ranch was 7.2 miles from Ebenezer. Gorgeous ride. We came to the place where we had to go up to the tram and Deborah's horse humped up it and dang, Biscuit did too. Felt like he was bucking but I stayed on!! Wooo hoooo.
We were in the saddle for 6 hours and just had a fantastic time. It was hot but the cool vest kept me going just fine.
Total was 14.4 miles.
I was pretty dang tired when I got off. I washed Biscuit off and we sat and visited a little before heading out. I got home at 7:30 PM.
Working with Biscuit and Windjammer RV
I went out every day and worked with Biscuit on his joining up with me. He is doing a great job in the arena but still won't come to me in the pasture. One day late in the evening he let me come up to him but that was it.
Barry and I made an offer Monday on the WindJammer RV that was for sale at Duvall's. They called and long and short, we bought the trailer. Woo hooooo!!! I am so excited. It is like brand new.
So excited about having an RV to camp in with a nice kitchen and bathroom. Can't wait to go on our first trip next week.
Barry and I made an offer Monday on the WindJammer RV that was for sale at Duvall's. They called and long and short, we bought the trailer. Woo hooooo!!! I am so excited. It is like brand new.
So excited about having an RV to camp in with a nice kitchen and bathroom. Can't wait to go on our first trip next week.
Monday, June 9, 2014
Riding at Ebenezer
I put Biscuit in the stud pen on Tuesday night so I wouldn't have any problem catching him. I got out to the barn at 6:50 AM. I got Biscuit out, set him up to eat, hooked up the trailer, got the hay, loaded Biscuit and voila! I was on my way.
I made good time driving at a steady 55 mph. I hit the dam straight up at 9:00 AM I pulled into the #7 where Kellie usually parks and unloaded Biscuit. He was just fine. Tied him to the Brenderup and shortly after that Cheri showed up and backed into #7.
They unloaded their horses and we got to meet each other. I started tacking up Biscuit and he started getting a little jumpy. When I was cinching him up he was nervous as a cat. I walked him around and Cheri held him while I mounted. As soon as I mounted he calmed down.
Her friends, Evelyn, Karen and her husband joined the ride. We started off and went to the 4 way crossroads and went left. We ended up going to the waterfall and eating lunch. It was beautiful and so peaceful there!!! Afterwards, we bushwhacked through a new area and then we went down to the lake.
Literally NO beach..but plenty of garbage. That is a shame. Biscuit drank and walked around a bit and then PLOPPED down in the water. OMG no warning whatsoever. Just PLOP. He easily got up and I took him out. We got back in as I figured he'd already plopped down and Evelyn was trying to encourage her mare Annie to get in. Well, he plopped down again. I can image he was hot and just wanted to cool off.
It was great meeting new people to ride with. I was able to track it on my new Garmin which wa a thrill for me.
I made good time driving at a steady 55 mph. I hit the dam straight up at 9:00 AM I pulled into the #7 where Kellie usually parks and unloaded Biscuit. He was just fine. Tied him to the Brenderup and shortly after that Cheri showed up and backed into #7.
They unloaded their horses and we got to meet each other. I started tacking up Biscuit and he started getting a little jumpy. When I was cinching him up he was nervous as a cat. I walked him around and Cheri held him while I mounted. As soon as I mounted he calmed down.
Her friends, Evelyn, Karen and her husband joined the ride. We started off and went to the 4 way crossroads and went left. We ended up going to the waterfall and eating lunch. It was beautiful and so peaceful there!!! Afterwards, we bushwhacked through a new area and then we went down to the lake.
Literally NO beach..but plenty of garbage. That is a shame. Biscuit drank and walked around a bit and then PLOPPED down in the water. OMG no warning whatsoever. Just PLOP. He easily got up and I took him out. We got back in as I figured he'd already plopped down and Evelyn was trying to encourage her mare Annie to get in. Well, he plopped down again. I can image he was hot and just wanted to cool off.
It was great meeting new people to ride with. I was able to track it on my new Garmin which wa a thrill for me.
New Garmin
Tuesday evening I went and purchased a new Garmin. It is the Garmin GPSMAP 62s. Much nicer than my eTrex Ventura HC. Bigger screeen so I can see better.
It will show trails overlapping each other on the screen so I am real excited about that. :-)
It will show trails overlapping each other on the screen so I am real excited about that. :-)
Light Switch Repair
My lights weren't working on my trailer. Dang...It wasn't the trailer. It was the electrical in the RAV. Barry checked it and the left switch wasn't working. Since my car had been repaired lately, I had Philpott check it out to make sure wires had not been jarred loose. No...that wasn't the case.
So Tuesday I took it to Duvall's at 12:30 PM. They started working on it and at 4:20 PM I pulled out and headed for the barn with a working trailer!!! Wooo hooooo!!! It was the electric switch control. It was $104 to repair but that is ok by me.
Now I can go to Ebenezer!
So Tuesday I took it to Duvall's at 12:30 PM. They started working on it and at 4:20 PM I pulled out and headed for the barn with a working trailer!!! Wooo hooooo!!! It was the electric switch control. It was $104 to repair but that is ok by me.
Now I can go to Ebenezer!
Sunday, June 1, 2014
Biscuit is a little better
I went to the barn to check on Biscuit and wash his saddle pad. Dang...the washing machine was not operational so I had to wash it by hand. I used some of the medicated shampoo on the spot where Biscuit's sore is. Ugh. I would love to get rid of his fungus amoungus permanently. I am going to start squirting vinegar on it - that should help keep it at bay. I scrubbed his pad front and back and hoses it down well to get all of the soap out of it. I left it hanging on the rail by the arena to drip dry.
I went down to the pasture and they were both way out there. I called to Biscuit and he started coming in. He stopped at the corral but decided to come on it! Woot! Good Biscuit. I did give him a little handful of sunflower seeds. I put a little tiny bit of the pink stuff on his sore. I did notice it was crusting over which is good. Sarge came in and I gave him some seeds and sprayed their legs with fly spray.
I asked Biscuit to come to me using the same hand motions I had in the arena and he came in closer to me. Good Boy!!! Hopefully one day he will stop walking away from me and I will stop needing to get Jamie to lock him in after feeding him. That will be a great day!
I went down to the pasture and they were both way out there. I called to Biscuit and he started coming in. He stopped at the corral but decided to come on it! Woot! Good Biscuit. I did give him a little handful of sunflower seeds. I put a little tiny bit of the pink stuff on his sore. I did notice it was crusting over which is good. Sarge came in and I gave him some seeds and sprayed their legs with fly spray.
I asked Biscuit to come to me using the same hand motions I had in the arena and he came in closer to me. Good Boy!!! Hopefully one day he will stop walking away from me and I will stop needing to get Jamie to lock him in after feeding him. That will be a great day!
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