Barry and I left for our camping trip Friday afternoon. I received the Skito pad and off we went. We decided to stay at Archie's since it was so wet - that way when we set up the tent it would be dry.
We stopped at Archie's and turned the boys out into knee deep Tifton - I didn't see it but Barry said they started running down the fence with the other two horses in the next pasture.
We got up early and loaded up the boys - they were not too thrilled with leaving such a lush pasture! The day dawned gorgeous after all of that rain. We got up to Ebenezer and pulled into our spot. We unloaded the boys and talked to Randy and Kelly and a few others from the last ride. We finally saddled up and my saddle looked like it was setting down even further now that I had Red's back leveled with the Skito. A young lady there that knew about saddle fitting said it didn't fit right. Red was already switching that tail and shaking his head.
I got off and resaddled with a different pad...still no good. I told Barry to go on and go riding and I was going to haul to Margaret's and get another saddle...Red was not to happy to miss out on a trail ride. I called Margaret but she was going shopping for a costume for Dawson but said Ronnie would help me. Bless his heart...he got a pad he thought would fit better - he didn't like my pads. He put a wool fleece pad and a heavy layered pad on Red and a 40 year old Ryon saddle! He checked my saddle to make sure that the tree wasn't broke and he said it wasn't and was in good shape. He put my cinch on, he liked my cinch he said and the back cinch too. We put on my stirrups and off I went. Thank God for Margaret and Ronnie!
I got Red back and tied him up and about 10 minutes later in came the trail ride. Sarge was calling to Red and Red was about to pop a cork he was so excited.
Barry had a good time. I made us some sandwiches and later we put up the tent. We finally saddled up and off the Rockin' R Riders went. We went through the left side of the trails as they had been to the lake that morning. We went through a deep gully almost up to Red's stomach. He and Sarge just plowed through with no problems. We rode over down and around and later heard a gun shot so we turn around and went back!!
I was talking to a lady Terri and she said she lived in Winnie. I said my cousin Bruce H. lives in Winnie. Kelly turned around and said "Bruce H? He is my cousin - we must be related!" I said "You must be related to Aunt JoBeth?" She said no...to his father! I nearly fell off of Red. I said "What is your maiden name" and she said T!bbits! I said "OMG you are Ansley's daughter!" What a hoot. Kelly is my second cousin. I don't know who was more surprised - me or Kelly. I told her Archie was the one who helped me find Red. We jabbered about family and were shaking our heads of that!
We got back to the trail head and some of us decided to go down the road. While some were using the rest rooms I trotted Red up and down as he really was ready to go. We went down the road leading into the park and we trotted quiet a ways. We turned down by the Spillway and started down and it is a straight, mowed area and they all decided to gallop. I was NOT in my own saddle and this one had less pommel than mine and the cantle was pitched back...not a race day for me.
Red was not a happy camper. He was going side ways and NOT listening to me. He lunged forward with his big giant back end and huge motor running high RPM's. Uuuuggghhh no... He reared up and I was making him go in circles and he was just impossible to control. I yelled at Barry and he came back and I got OFF. I am a sissy. I know. I am a sissy. But I say if you can't control...get off and get the situation under control. I guess it is alot to ask of a race horse to take him to a race and say "no...just walk". If I had been in my saddle I could have loped him but not in a saddle I was pitching around in. Barry got on him but the stirrups were too short. He offered to let me ride Sarge but I am not used to riding Sarge but that is on our agenda.
Red calmed down quickly. I was not to happy with him. He should listen NO MATTER WHAT. But, he is still a horse!
I talked to Margaret finally...it is hard to get a signal up there. Sigh...anywhoo, she is coming up in the morning. I talked to Ray and he and Bruce and Raymond are coming tomorrow to ride too.
Barry and I ate our gumbo and it was ok. We visited with the trail riders at Kelly and Randy's camp fire and later ambled off to get showered. I slipped in the shower and banged my wrist. duuuhhhhh.
We were more than warm in our sleeping bag and my flannel pj's. Too warm sometimes. The horses across the way kept making racket all night - fighting, screaming, kicking the pens. Once I thought it was ours and I nearly killed myself and Barry scrambling over him. I told him to put the tent the other way so I could see the horses out one of the screen windows...he didn't.
Next morning we got up and ate breakfast. I made Barry tea and he had his Famous Amos cookies. Ugh...not a good breakfast. I had my General Foods International coffee and made a cheese sandwich out of my Thins sandwich bread that is so good and two kinds of cheeses (Weight Watcher Pepper Jack) and toasted it on my electric skillet.
Margaret and then Ray, Raymond and Bruce arrived. Margaret and I tacked up Red in my saddle but her pads. She thought it fit just fine - just need different pads. Ok....going to give that a roll instead of buying a new saddle.
Off we went - we went on different trails than I had with Ray before. We did go to the pond - the Rockin' R had called it the Beaver Dam...Ray said "it's the pond". We sent to the right of there over down and around....crossed roads, etc. We went down some steep stuff and up again to see the water fall. How cool is that. Kept going down gorgeous paths and up hills, past a little old cemetery...think it was for pets too. Up tall hills.
Butterbean stepped on a stob or something and was going lame so we had to walk slower...I still trotted and loped Red some but would circle back and walk with Butterbean and Margaret. We went through some water several times that had to have felt good to Butterbean. We rode for about 3 1/2 hours...it was fabulous. Red was rearing to go but I kept circling him to make him slow down.
I have to remind myself that Red has really only trail rode since May and he is a former race horse...not a western pleasure horse. He does well...just don't take him to the races and expect him not to want to race!
Ray, Bruce and Raymond pulled out. Raymond gave me another map to Ebenezer...bless his heart...I try not to wash this one!
We made sandwiches and bees were EVERYWHERE. Margaret and I killed a bunch of bees and I was stung in the back of my arm. GAAAAA. Margaret pulled out and Barry and I started breaking down the tent. Kelly and Randy pulled out and she should "bye cousin!" and I yelled "bye cousin"!
We hauled home and were unloading and Barry popped the snot out of Red. He said Red nipped him. I got Red in the paddock and was pouring his feed and he was about to pop a cork to get to it. I stopped him and made him back up fast and far and did that again. He sometimes is a little pushy about food. Can't have that...it is bad manners.
I got out on line and looked for the pads Margaret has...no show on the name. Found some that I think might work...forwarded them to Margaret to get their opinion.