Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The New Saddle Arrived Today and Red is HOME!!!!

I went this morning to pick my boy up from Dr. Schneiter's. He had his teeth floated this morning - he had some hooks in the back. He was still a little sedated when we got there. It was raining but Red got in the trailer after one attempt.

The bill was $599 with the teeth floating at $75. Way better than that $214 for Sarge! I did get a "colic pack" for Red. A hit of ace and banamine shots in case I ever need it. Dr. Schneiter was great and I really appreciated all of his hard work and his good care of Red.

We hauled him back to the barn and I put him in the little arena. He is going to stay there for two days and then I will put him out in the pasture.

Margaret and I went out to see him this afternoon and he was doing just fine. His feed arrived at the same time and he was eager to eat. Before we left I put his blanket on him. It is new and looked great on him. He is such a pretty boy.

My new saddle came in! It is the BOMB and I think Red is going to be gorgeous in it. I will have to wait til Friday to try it on him. I am so excited about it!

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