Barry and I hauled Red up to Texas A & M on Thursday to be shod by Jason Maki - farrier extraordinaire.
We stopped in Cypress to look at a horse for Barry. Sir Lancelot looks a bunch like Red and Barry likes him. He said he rode better than Red!!!! He wants to look at a palomino I found and we are going to see that horse Sunday a week.
We traveled on to A & M and met Jason. What a nice guy!!! We took Red into the farrier station and he started to work on his hooves. He looked from all angles and trimmed and rasped and pounded on shoes and heated them up.
He decided to hot shoe Red and we took Red out on the pavilion. When he applied the shoe smoke rose up and swirled around. Red took that ok but he was pretty fussy in the cross ties. Well, fussy for him! It was loud and clanging and inside and most horses would be a little nervous. His muscles in his butt were trembling when we first got in there - LOL I hugged him up and said it was ok. He was shaking his head and twitching his tail. Once when Jason left to get something he pooped so I cleaned that up.
Later Jason was doing his back hooves and Red pooped on Jason. OMG I nearly died. Jason said it wasn't the first time!!
He countersunk the clips on Red's shoes and rasped the right hoof that is run over and causing the heels to contract. He put some thrush meds on a cotton piece and showed me how to stuff it in the contracted crease thing and how to pull it out.
Barry and I walked Red out and his head was up and he was trying to whinney - it is so strained sounded. I think he thought he was at the races!
I took Jason and Cindy some cake and asked them to share it with the staff. They are all so nice. I paid and Barry and I went to fill up the truck and get lunch. We went to Chris Jeanis' house and I let Red eat and I cleaned out his trailer. He doesn't like to step in poop!!!! We had a little trouble getting him in the trailer and when we got home we loaded and loaded him several times. I had to get Alfalfa to get that rascal in. Don't know what the problem is but we will work on it!! Here are pictures of Red's farrier visit.
Nothing like a new pair of shoes!! Looks great, sounds like you guys are on the road to good feet.
I hope so Heather. His shoes are costing me a fortune!!!
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