I went to the vet's to pick up the potion for Red's hoof and then went out to the barn. I paid for Red's boarding out in the pasture but he is going to stay in his current paddock at least tonight and then he will move out tomorrow.
LeeAnne showed me Rogue's circus trick!!! He is so cute!!!!!!
Both of the Lee Ann's and I went riding. Red didn't want to go into the arena. He is being a butt and I am going to get my sweat scraper and pop him next time he pulls that baloney. I put my spurs on and we saddled up and went down the road. Lee Ann was on Lagatto and LeeAnne Brown was on Rogue. So we had an Arabian in an English Saddle, a Tennessee Walker in an endurance/Australian saddle and a Quarter Horse in a Western Saddle. How fun is that?
Red was a little ouchie on the road but he did just fine. He walked quietly behind Lagatto and Rogue. Lagatto was a nervous wreak according to Lee Anne and she did spook and ran/scattered for about 2 leaps. Goodness...I am glad Red is not spooky and doesn't run off. I would be flat on my big butt!!!
It was a fun little ride and I hosed Red off and scraped him off. When I was fooling with his right hoof he was lipping at the flap of the pocket on my jeans. I told him NOT to bite my backside!! I took him out to his paddock - wet - and he dropped and rolled! It was hilarious! He flipped and flopped rolling around, scrubbing himself dry. I didn't give him any alfalfa as I am almost out and I want to make sure I have some to give the new guy. He went to his stall and looked in (door was shut) and he come trotting up as fast as can be to the back of the main barn. If he could he would have been yelling "sister, where is my alfalfa? I don't see it, I don't smell it!!!" LOL He won't die without it.
My hair looked like excelsior from wearing a helmet and I smelled like a horse! I had to go to Starbucks later to meet brides so I cleaned up! After meeting with the bride and a bride mom brought me stress frees I left and went to the Sonic. On the way I called Cevin's wife, Terri, to ask if I could pick up the new boy tomorrow. She said Cevin was still gone and to call his cell phone. I called him and he said he'd know in the morning about 8:00. I said that is fine. I said I just need to know how to plan my day. I asked him a few questions on RJ Eddie Leo (we need to pick a new name for our boy) and he was vetting in January with shots, etc. I believe his teeth were floated in October. He told me what he wormed with (worming every 6 weeks) and he feeds alfalfa in the morning and 2 scoops in the evening. He currently feeds 16% feed. Wow Wee - that is high but I guess good for a working horse! I am looking forward to getting my boy either tomorrow or Wednesday.
Margaret called...we might do lunch tomorrow. I am going to call on the Vidor, Lumberton, and Woodville stores so I will be able to see Margaret and get the horse!
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