Sunday, February 21, 2010

I rode Sarge today!

I went out to the barn today - Barry was already there riding Sarge in the arena.  I went to visit my boy and his "shoe" was already off the bottom as I took it off.  I gave him alfalfa which he always likes.  I was out of duct tape so I had to run to the Dollar Store to get duct tape and a few towels for Barry to dry Sarge.  I went back to the Barry and filmed Barry riding Mr. Sassy Stuff.

I rode Sarge in the little arena...he is full of himself and a total show off - but I wasn't nervous.  I still can ride correctly but I am not the rider I used to be.  Working on it.  I went around several times - trotted him, etc.  Working on it Working on it!!!

I went into the barn and made Red his tape boot - Ray Langley called from Ebenezer and we chatted.  Kellie and I had texted and she said the horses were going nuts and 2 ladies had been thrown.  Some one had set up a obstacle course with bridges, jumps, hanging funnoodles that freaked the horses out.  Sigh...wish I could have been there.  It would have been fun - I don't think Red would have looked twice at it.  Ray confirmed that the horses were bananas and he was about to go out on the afternoon ride.  I am pea green with envy.

I soaked Red's hoof and dressed it.  Back into his paddock he went.  I will go out there tomorrow to treat him.  It still has not busted out and it has been two weeks. Sigh.......

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