Friday, September 24, 2010

Whipped Butter

Barry and I went to the barn this morning to check on Butterbean.  Sarge immediately started herding him around and ran from Barry - I wish I had had my camera out - it would have been funny.  I took Butter out and walked him to the front.  He was a little jittery - he thought a small round bale that was not much bigger than a regular bale of hay - was an alligator or something.  I got him up in the wash rack and he did have some bites and hair gone.  Nothing bleeding or missing flesh but you could see that Sarge had buffed him up.

Miss Jean came to see him and thinks he is a pretty boy which I think he is cute myself.   He wouldn't let me pick up his feet this morning though.  I brushed him and doctored his scrapes and turned him out into the big arena.

Sarge was in deep doo doo with Barry.  I went out to the barn after work and got Butters out and put my black saddle on him.  I don't think it fits.  I brushed him and he still wouldn't let me pick up his hooves while he was on concrete.  I took him off of the concrete and he let me pick them up then. 

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