Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Saying goodbye to my boy Red

Saturday was a sad day for me.  I went out to the pasture and got my boy and walked him up to the barn.  LOL he decided to walk down in the ditches which is always funny when he does that.  I brushed him and loved on him for a while and then loaded him up in the trailer.  He self loads now bless his heart. 

We hauled to Folsem, LA through LSU game traffic which meant we came to a dead stop before the bride in Baton Rouge and was slow going on the bridge.  Red as always, hauls nicely but he was dropping huge piles so I know it was stressful for him, poor baby.

We got to Heather's and he was curious and friendly with them as he always is.  I was proud of the way my boy behaved.  Heather tacked him up in her Stubben saddle and snaffle and I got on him to show them his skills.  We trotted around, backed, side passed on both sides, turned on haunches and forequarters.  He was a little confused for a minute but he did everything just right.  Heather and Sara both rode him and he was such a good boy. 

It came time to leave and Barry took picture of me with him.  I hugged him up and kissed him a zillion times.  My face was leaking...it leaked off and on to Lafayette.  I leaked more when I got home.  I wanted to run back and get my boy but I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Heather will love him like I do and take very good care of him.  My heart weighed a ton dragging it home. 

Heather has called and I have called her.  She posted pictures so I could see him.  Sara is going to show him and if I can I am going to go watch my boy in a show.  Heather said he and Flicka Foo were getting along famously - Red always liked the ladies. 

He will always hold a special place in my heart.  I don't know if I will ever love another horse like I love Dashing Big Red.  Don't know if my heart could take it.

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