Tuesday, December 14, 2010

I rasped feet today!

This is his front feet the day after I brought him to Plum Nearly Ranch.  The front had been "nipped" off fairly bluntly in the front and short too!

His back feet had also been "nipped" off bluntly and short.  The back left foot is pretty jagged.

Barry and I went out to the barn and he brought the horses up.  I brushed Biscuit and cleaned his feet - he picks up those back feet so easily now - hands them to me just about!  Treats were given.  I cleaned the front feet with just a few AAACCCKKKKK noises thrown in when he tried to pull his feet.

Lee Anne and I decided to rasp his feet!  She said she would show me how.  She got gloves on and a rasp.  We started with the front feet.  We got the hoof stand and stretched his foot out.  He pulled it away once but I insisted he give it to me and up on the stand it went to be rasped.  Woot!  I am going to work on the horses feet myself....unless they crack or something like that!  I did 3 feet!!!  He doesn't like the back right leg pulled up - that is the one he kicked out with yesterday so it must be like in a slight bind but I insisted that he leave it on the stand and we got it done and he was given plenty of treats for standing there.

This is his back feet rasped by me.  The back left is still jagged but looking better.

Front is still short but some of the nipped off bluntness is gone and not as noticeable.   I will post pictures in 3 weeks to see how much change there is.
Here are pictures of his feet - the back left is pretty chewed up but now looks a little better.  I will continue to rasp a little here and a little there to keep their feet looking in ship shape.  I think this boy is going to have good feet when I get them in the right shape!

I saddled him up and we rode around in the arena.  He was wanting to GO.  Tossing that head up when I asked him to slow down.  Tomorrow I will try a martingale on him to see if I can correct some of that.  We practiced me getting on and off the mounting block.  He moved away from it once - but stood 3 times so he is getting better.

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