Thursday, July 21, 2011

Jogging Again

I went out to the barn and brought Biscuit and tacked him up.  I mounted up at 11:09 AM and walked him around and then started jogging.  He is doing good - not perfect - but good.  I worked on the halt.  He will stop on the trail and just stand there...He doesn't in the arena.  He doesn't want to stand still and we had a fracas over that.  He also was slow to stop where on the trail he is pretty quick about stopping.  I did get him to turn on his haunches once!  I am going to start working with Biscuit on these things during the week in the arena.  He did keep pace well today but there were times he tried to speed up.  All in all, I was pleased with his performance.  I think I did a good job too!  LOL  I am working on it!!

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