Friday, December 30, 2011

Doing the math - Biscuit and I logged 522.1 Miles!

OK....I did the math for our rides.  All but one was recorded on my GPS and the one I didn't have a GPS for was a ride I had made many times so the mileage was easy to come up with.  I actually rode biscuit 522.1 miles on the trails for the year 2011.  Amazing.  I made the goal actually when we were riding at Brazos Bend.   I met my first goal of 400 miles and surpassed it by 122 miles.  I actually couldn't ride for nearly 4 weeks.  I did one short 1 mile ride at the 3rd week - it is when I had knee surgery.  Imagine the miles I could have racked up!!!

I made 74 trail rides this year..the shortest being .8 miles and the longest 13.6.  It does show on this log a 15 mile ride but that was actually two rides in one day combined.  The average for the months was 43.5 miles.  I rode more miles in the last half of the year but that was because I went on 4 overnight trips during the last half of the year.
I did ride Biscuit in the arena quiet a bit when I first got him and have continued to do some riding there but not much.  I am much for comfortable out on the trails. 

I am looking forward to more riding in the year 2012.  I do have a camping trip for training planned with Lee Ann up at Ebenezer the third week of January.  The first weekend of February is our 25 mile limited distance ride.  I also have an overnight trip to Ebenezer planned in February and March.  April is up in the air as to where we will go to ride.  For Memorial Day I do want to go riding somewhere - hopefully in Mississippi.  I am setting a goal of 600 miles for 2012.  I won't have a surgery leave to deal with and there are trips planned and I plan on RIDING.  

It was so much fun to keep the log, make the trails on the Garmin and track everything.  I will continue to do...all of my nerdiness is just bubbling to the surface!

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