Sunday, July 15, 2012

Biscuit is the Purple Bomb

It has rained all week - I am sick of the rain and it has stopped me from riding like I wanted to this week.  Oh well.  My saddle arrived from Allegany Mountain Trail Saddles on Monday.   I took it out to Plum Nearly on Tuesday but it had been raining and so I just dropped it off.  Lee Ann P and I examined it closely and I put my pommel horn bag on it.  We looked at different ways to attach it to the pommel since I don't have a horn on this saddle. 

Opening up the box

My original hoof pick pouch!!!

Left Side

Bobwire stamping

Wide endurance stirrups

Allegany Mountain Trail Saddles stamp on each fender

Cantle bars and stitching is very nice

Stitching on the seat - very chooshie

My saddle arrived from Allegany Mountain Trail Saddles on Monday.   I took it out to Plum Nearly on Tuesday but it had been raining and so I just dropped it off.  Lee Ann P and I examined it closely and I put my pommel horn bag on it.  We looked at different ways to attach it to the pommel since I don't have a horn on this saddle.  I am going to get some velcro to use around the opening of the pommel to hold it on. 

I went out to the barn a few times this week just to see the horses but it was raining everyday.    I finally got out there Saturday afternoon and pulled Biscuit up.  His pasture was standing water in some spots so there has been a ton of rain out there this week.  I checked Wunderground weather today and it is showing over 4" of rain Friday morning at the airport which is a stones throw from the ranch.  That is a ton of rain!

We got up on the wash rack and I brushed Biscuit.  His face/blaze was shedding and hair was flying everywhere.  He was also pretty darn sweaty and so was Sarge.  It was HUMID as all get out there.  My face was almost immediately dripping with sweat. 

I got out the Equipedic Saddle pad and the saddle.  It took a little bit to pull the leather ties so I could put the girth straps on.  I finally had to get a hoof pic as I was killing my fingernails.  I kind of pulled the skin from under the nail of my left thumb...dang that STINGS.  I finally got his saddle on and I put his bridle on.  We were ready.  I closed the big arena gate and took the steps over to the corner.  I maneuvered Biscuit to the place I wanted and mounted up.  Saddle was firmly in place but the stirrups were too short.  I got off and moved them.  The Blevins Buckles are covered on this saddle thank God but OMG they were stiff to move.  I moved them down one notch and remounted.  They were still a little short so I will have to move them down again but Biscuit and I went ahead and went a couple of rounds in the arena.  The saddle feels nice.  It was soaking wet with standing water so I just wanted to get a feel of it.   I dismounted and took his tack off. 

I got a Diet Coke out to drink and Biscuit was very interested so I poured some in my hand and he actually was licking Coke out of my hand.  Hahahahaha  he is so funny.  I hosed and scraped him off and gave him a handful of alfalfa. 

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