Thursday, June 20, 2013

Caught the Biscuit! Now on to camping!

Friday morning Barry and I went to the barn without the trailer to see if I could catch The Biscuit.  He was standing at the gate with his head over the top and not standoffish acting at all.  Let Barry pet him and pick up his feet.  Barry put the halter on him and led him to the front.  Tied on the wash rack for a moment and then I tied him in the arena.  I had to go have the trailer plug checked out as it wasn't working.  I was gone 3.5 hours.   Barry left for Ebenezer a few hours before I did.

Duvall's fixed my plug...the wires had came loose but there was actually a fuse blown in my car so that was really the problem.  I was repaired and on my way.  I hauled to the barn and Biscuit was watching when I went by.  I loaded Sarge first and then went to get Biscuit.  No problem with him at all and loaded him up and fed them breakfast. 

They moved around quiet a bit on the drive up - I will have to get new trailer ties to stop that baloney.  Both horses behaved really well though all weekend.  Kellie and I drove over to pick up Dashing Big Red and Alex so she could ride with us.  So good to see Red.  I put him in a pen and Biscuit and Sarge were together. 

Barry and Alex went for a Friday afternoon ride.  Sarge had a total meltdown when they rode off.  He paced and walked, whinnied and snorted the entire time they were gone.
Hey...come back here!!!

Sarge calling to Biscuit to come back right NOW!!!

Red came back huffing and puffing some but ok.  I made "breakfast" for our dinner and we turned in for the night.  The trailer was so nice to have!!!  I so wish we could by one of our own!!

Saturday morning I tacked up Biscuit - dang...I had forgot my girth and nearly had a cow til I remembered I kept one in the tack closet for just such an occasion.  KD arrived and they all mounted up for a ride.  I cooked while they were gone...I made lasagna and a spaghetti sauce for Barry with turkey and chicken sausage. 
All three of my favorite horses...Biscuit, Sarge and Red

Alex and Red ready to go!!!

Barry and James in the foreground for early morning ride

Red and Alex ready for their Ebenezer ride

KD and Biscuit getting used to one another

KD, Randy, Kellie, Barry, James, Beverly and Alex

Sarge and Barry showing off

This is what my trailer should look like on a camping trip!!!

This is what I like to "camp" in!!!  Toilet and shower and AC that freezes me out!!

KD and Biscuit

Alex and Red

My saddle after Biscuit laid down in the water at the lake

Randy and Reagan

KD fussing at Biscuit for laying down

Sarge looking like a little doll

Kellie and Elan

Barry and Randy

Kellie and Randy

Sarge has an abscess blow out on Sunday morning
 They came back later and I found out Biscuit laid down in water.  What a pill.  KD took him in and he started pawing.  She took him out and then was going to let him drink.  He folded up and laid down!!!

KD dumping water out of her boots!!!
Biscuit can be a pill!!!   All of the horses were pretty cool when they arrived from their ride.  They had all got in the lake.  Red did just fine.  We went to The Stump for lunch.  After we got back I took Alex and Red back.  It was so much fun to have her there and see Red.

Another ride was taken late in the afternoon and they all seemed to have a great time.  I had dinner ready for later - Archie arrived to have dinner with us too!  We all piled into our trailer and I dished up lasagne, salad and rolls.  Some went outside to eat and later we went down to Kellie's to get out of the sun.  Ended up back at the trailer because it was so freaking hot and humid outside! 

What a blast we had.  Love camping out with the horses.  The next morning they went for another ride and I cleaned the pens and cleaned up the trailer.  KD had gone home the night before so Biscuit didn't go for another ride. After they came back Barry and I had lunch with Kellie and Randy. 

I learned to dump the black and gray water at the dump station and we headed home.  I put Biscuit in the arena so I wouldn't have trouble catching him.  He was good as gold all weekend long though. 

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