Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Biscuit goes to the vet for a checkup and report

I got to the barn around 8:15 and Biscuit was locked up when I got down there in the Kubota.  He was soaking wet with sweat so I walked him slowly up to the barn and hosed his off as he was nasty.  Cleaned his face with a rag and he liked that after he realized I wasn't going to hurt him.  I guess that towel looked pretty big!!  I brushed his mane and tail and loaded him up.

We hauled over to Doc's and I unloaded him.  There was a stallion on the front porch apron so I had to move Biscuit out of his line of vision.  Doc then came to check out Biscuit.  He had Kayla walk him up and down and turn both ways.  Then he said to trot him out and Biscuit picked up that trot immediately and swished down the aisle.

Doc checked his eyes etc.  He said he was doing great.  He will take the last tube of Marquis and then start on 25 days of an antibiotic.  Still no to the Platinum supplement.  He was ok with a few licks on the HorsLic.  Biscuit had some welts from bug bites and Doc said 5cc of the Dex for 2 days if it doesn't clear with 1 dose.  Call him if they don't go away.

I asked Doc about having to give him DEX if I need to for his COPD.  He said that was ok as they often give DEX to jump start the Marquis.  He said he was out checking on Fat Kate the other day at Plum Nearly and Biscuit was going bananas running and bucking. 

I asked about worming and that will be in 4 weeks when his shots are due.  I will bring him to Doc for his shots and at that time we will determine whether he can be ridden on my planned camping trip to Ebenezer on the 3rd weekend of September.  I told him it would be his call.

It was $113 Monday.  I applied for the rebate that I thought was going to be $60.  OMG it is $125!!! YAY.

While I was there someone called Doc about hay and I got their name and number and called about it as it is Jiggs hay.  I will go get some tomorrow.  Kayden is going to help me.

I got Biscuit back to the barn and dropped him off.  I went back later with the DEX and gave him 5cc's and his Marquis.  He is coming into me every time.  I hope by giving him the HorsLic as  treat will keep him coming to me.

I called Platinum to cancel and woo hoo.  She refunded me the other bucket and said to keep it or donate it to Doc.  I told her I am hoping Doc will reverse that decision and I will put Biscuit back on it so hopefully in a few months.

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