Thursday, September 5, 2019


Counting down the days until Biscuit goes to the is now just 4 days away.

I took Morgan to the airport today in Houston.  She and the kids went to Raleigh for a wedding.  Hoping they don't see bad weather because of Hurricane Dorian. 

On the way back I stopped at Tractor Supply in Winnie.  I bought a cute little white enamel dog food can.  It was $29...but it so she said $19 reduced.  I said do you have another as this one is dented on the lid making it hard to close.  She dropped it to $12 and I bought it along with a large bag of treats for Biscuit instead of the regular size I always get. 

I went to the Barn around 4.  Craig was there I said hi to him.  Went down and took Biscuit out.  He was sweaty as all get out!  He ate some treats, licked on the HorsLic and started eating grass.  Barry called and I said I was on my way and we were going out to eat.  I spoke to Lee Ann B on my way out.  I am going to pick up DEX for her Monday at the vet when I go.

Got home...we didn't go eat.  I had to go to the grocery store so about 7:15 I went back to the barn because Biscuit needed his DEX cookies.  Craig was still there and I talked to him, Lee Ann P and Donny.  I went down to see Biscuit and took pictures and videos.  He came trotting in from the back but I couldn't get the video started in time!  Dang. 

He is doing well.  No heaving at all.  No flaring nostrils at all.  Yay.  Hope it stays that way. 

When I started to back my car up to turn around I noticed I wasn't going where I thought I needed to go!  LOL . I was backing up my car like I had the trailer attached!  Hahahahaha . Idiot!!

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