Wednesday, September 4, 2019


I didn't get out to the barn til later in the afternoon.   I used the pestles and mortar to grind up his medicine and put it in the little pill boxes. I spoke to Lee Ann B and then had to visit the ladies room!

Came back and visited with Lee Ann P and B on the wash rack with little Zorra and Legato.  She is just too cute for words.  It was hot and after awhile I said turn on the fans but it was too late.  I over heated and felt bad.  Donnie had shown up and was telling us stories but I had to get in my car.  There was no breeze and it was blazing hot. 

I went down to see Biscuit and he caught sight of me and came galloping in!  Yay Biscuit!!!  He was sweaty as all get out and I haltered him and let him lick on the HorsLic and eat grass.  It was cooler out in the open out there than up by the barn.

I am counting down the days until I take him to the vet.  Hoping this is all behind us soon and my sweet boy is on his way to restored health. 

I need to buy more horse cookies to put his medicine on.  Yesterday he though the cookies had too much medication on them.  I am going to do like Lee Ann B does and dip his cookies in molasses or honey!  I want to make sure he eats it!

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