Saturday, July 20, 2019

Biscuit Has EPM

One of the worst things in the world for your horse to get - EMP - has found its way into my boy Biscuit.  Over the last 8 weeks or so, I thought Biscuit was acting a little strange.  Almost like he was sad and depressed.  It was a look in his eyes.  Not perky...not lively...not Biscuit.

We rode quiet a bit in April and May.  At the first of April he was moving out and lively.  By May not so much.  I started having severe bursitis in my left hip - I noticed when I was riding the top of my thighs hurt.  Later it was my left hip/top of leg.  I camped in June with my regular peeps and I was in agony just taking care of Biscuit.  Seems like we were both "to' up from the flo' up".  I went to the doctor.  She sent me to my knee surgeon.  Bursitis was diagnosed and my hip injected.  That was great as I couldn't walk very well and was in severe pain.  The shot helped and I rested it.

I took Aliva on a horse camping trip on July 7-9 at Ebenezer.  Getting the trailer and car loaded was a chore.  Off we went.  We rode Monday and Tuesday.  Biscuit just seemed off.  Wondering off the trail at various times.  Balked at going through the black hole.  Stopping in the trail and just standing there like he didn't want to move out.

When I tried to mount up it felt like I was slammed in the hip with a baseball bat.  Didn't hurt to ride but it hurt like the dickens to get on.  We had a good time but I must have said a million times "what the hell is wrong with you?" to Biscuit. 

When I dropped Alivia off at Doc's place I asked Kassie what she thought of how Biscuit was acting.  She said test him for EPM.  Hummmmm....I hauled him home and put him in his pasture.  The next day I spoke with the Lee Ann's and told them I was worried.  Lee Ann asked for details and I told her what I noticed and what Kassie said.  She said that is what she thought it could be.  I called Doc going down to Biscuit's pasture.  He said bring him tomorrow so I did.  He walked him up and down, pulling him sideways with his tail.  He said he was placing his feet where they were supposed to go and that was a good thing.  Blood tests were drawn.  Tests for thyroid and EPM were done.  His enzymes in his muscles were slightly high.  His thyroid is slightly under active.  Doc came out to the barn to take more blood to analyze the next evening on Friday.  He called the next day and said come get some thyroid meds for him.  Barry went and got it for me.  The tests were $403 - supplement $30.

I didn't hear back on the EPM til today which was a week and 2 days later.  Doc texted me this morning and said the EPM was positive and to come get the meds at noon.  I got there at noon and Doc and I planned out to give him the Marquis for a month and access after that.  No worming for now but should be ok for vaccines in September.  The bill today was $1,070.  Hoping we only need one round of this but I bet it is going to be 2.  Biscuit isn't wobbly on his feet or falling down.  I think I caught this very early. 

Barry, Morgan, Rori and Tristan went out to the barn to give Biscuit his first dose.  Ended up putting it over treats as he was fighting me like crazy.

Lee Ann and I talked about his COPD and what to do if I can't give him DEX when the heaving starts.  We will put him up in the barn with a fan on him.  Whatever it takes to get my boy better.

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