Sunday, January 31, 2010

Riding Red today with Lee Anne

We were supposed to go riding with Ray and a big group today but this morning it was COLD -  it was 30 something degrees with a wind chill in the 20's.  Later it warmed up and cleared up.  We went to the barn about 1:45 and the wind was still blowing and it was chilly chilly chilly.  I tacked Red up and it is easy to mount with this saddle.  It didn't slide.  We rode in the arena for about 15 minutes or so.  I had Barry tighten up my girth as it has loosened.  Lee Anne and I then rode out into the back.  Red behaved very well but he refused to step over the little fence.  I kept trying but he refused.  Hummm.  I really like the new saddle - it is very comfortable.  I still haven't found my perfect rhythm when posting but I am working on it. 

When I got back to the barn I was able to get off without the saddle slipping.  I groomed Red again - he was a pig.  I trimmed his bridle path and trimmed his wiskers.  He looked so pretty.  I took a picture with my cell phone of him in his saddle today and I will post when I get it downloaded.

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