Friday, March 5, 2010

Packing up the Steele Saddle and delivering Alfalfa

I went to the barn this morning - we didn't trim horses today though.  I took the hay out of the car and put it up and went out into the pasture to check on my boys.  Sarge was laying down in the back of the pasture and Red was on the far side grazing.  I went out and hugged both of them up and then loaded up the Steele Saddle.

I went to Fed X and talked to Billy about shipping the saddle and it will be around $39 with insurance.  I went to Sam's and got wormer for my boys.  I will worm them next week at the same time. 

I came home and cleaned the Steele and conditioned it and boxed it up.  I was packing it when Barry came home.  He didn't feel like leaving for Ebenezer so he said for me to go out and pack up the trailer so that tomorrow we can just leave.  I got the feed barrel and filled it up at the barn so that Red will have feed next week at Margaret's.  I loaded up the tack - I didn't put in my saddle bags though so I will have to remember to get them in the morning.  I hauled some alfalfa out to the horses.

I was standing next to Sarge and we caught the opossum out of the corner of our eyes about the same time.  LOL  Sarge is so funny - he kept his eye on that opossum across the road like it was a bear.  LOL  he is just funny.

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