Thursday, March 4, 2010

I sold the Steele Saddle today

I had a nibble on the Steele saddle about 2 months ago.  We couldn't come to a meeting of the minds on price and I really wanted to trade it for another Steele that would fit me.  He contacted me today and we agreed on a price so I have to find out what it will cost to ship.  I will take the saddle to Fed X tomorrow and ask Billy for the best rate to Ohio.  The Steele will live in Ohio now. 

I didn't go to the barn today - I have had a headache all day long.  Ugh.  I did some research on boots for Red today.  I will leave his shoes on for 6 weeks and in the middle of April I will take them off - order the fit kit and then order Easy Boot Gloves for my boy.  He is going barefoot.  In the mean time, he will get turpentine on his feet everyday.  I am going to get a can of it and go out to the pasture and clean those hooves and add in the turpentine to harden up those hooves.  My boy is going to get tough feet. 

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