Sunday, February 17, 2013

Riding in Ebenezer

Barry and I got up yesterday and headed out to the barn to load up the horses for a ride in Ebenezer!  I had reservations to stay overnight but it was too cold to sleep in the trailer. was 32 degrees last night and a very cold 43 this morning.   Normally, with no wind and sun shine the 43 degrees isn't bad but this morning it was pretty chilly willie!  Barry walked down to get the horses and I loaded up the tack and got feed for the horses.  He walked them back up and they loaded up to buckets of fee.  They always like that. 

We hauled up to Ebenezer and went across Hwy 255 from Hwy 96.  It is a shorter by about 10 miles.  We unloaded and put the horses in the pens with hay and water.  I stumbled on a dang sweetgum ball and fell against the trailer.  Ugh.  Randy came over and said Kellie was riding a little later because of the cold.  She has been under the weather with a bad cough.  I was going to walk over to talk to her and stumbled on one of those freaking sweetgum balls again.  I nearly fell.  Randy and Barry grabbed me and kept me from falling over.  They got my cane for me and I went to visit with Kellie.  Barry later saddled both horses and he left with the group and I told Kellie we'd wait until it warmed up some. 

We left a little later and I put Biscuit's bridle on and Randy held him while I got on.  My legs were a little weak from stumbling so bad twice.  We rode for more an hour and 10 minutes according to my camera recordings.  My camera wasn't fully charged.  I think we rode almost an hour and a half.  So maybe 3 miles because we were walking not jogging.  Maybe 3.5 miles.  Anyway, it was a nice ride. 

We got back and Barry and the others had already arrived.  One of the ladies riding with Jimmy had come off a horse and had broken her finger.  Ouuuuchhhhh!!!  Stacy bandaged it up with a spoon handle and tape.  Always good to ride with ER nurses! 

We went to eat at The Stump with Kellie, Randy, Stacy, Dusty, Kent and Melody.  Always so much fun with them.  Jimmy and his friend, Jennifer, and the lady who broke her finger, James and Beverly didn't go...they were missed!!!  Kent's daughter Amber was up there for the first ride and we haven't seen her in ages so it was good to see her.  She rode Beverly's mare, Nickie, because Bev is still not riding from a injury.  LOL we are all ate up with something!  When we came back across the dam, there were whitecaps on the water.  The wind had really picked up.  Brrr....made it colder than it should have been.

After lunch we drove over to where La Paz B and B is .  Kellie wanted to see it.  On the way back coming up the steep road we encountered what looked like a mountain man, ax and all.  He had a "cabin" building with a Johnnie on the Spot outhouse.  He was staring Barry down which was kinda creepy.  

After lunch, we all sat around the campfire to warm up.  It was chilly!  We saddled up again and headed out.   Sarge was happy because he was in the front.   We went down where we had gone this morning but crossed the water.  Sarge stopped and really drank a ton of water.  He rarely does that so he must have really been thirsty.  Biscuit crossed the water easily and it was pretty deep.  Jennifer was on a little Welsh Cob named Oreo Cookie.  OMG he was darling.  Full of spunk and energy.  Cute and a button.  We crossed a few more creek, wound around the bottom land and up to the corner of the park.  We went down a trail we hadn't gone down and got to a tee in the trail and went left.  I soon realized we should have gone more straight as we passed two water crossings next to each other and a raggedy downed tree.  We turned around and went back and then I recognized the trail.  The smaller trail from the corner til it connected there I had never been on. would be nice if these trails were marked!

We did quiet a bit of jogging on this ride which is good for my legs.  We got to the main trail back to the trailers and Barry said he wanted to go to the beach so we took off in two different directions.  Got in some more jogging.  Unfortunately, my Garmin gave out on the first ride and I don't even know how long it recorded.  I am thinking this ride was about 6 miles or so.  Hard to tell.  Not even sure how long we rode!!  Maybe right at 2 hours so it might have been 6 or 7 miles because we did a lot of trotting in spots. 

We got back and I gave Biscuit hay and water.  Barry came back.  I ran in to the lady Lee Ann from last year and talked to her and her buddy Barbara.  They were so  nice and she remembered me and said she had wanted to get on the blog and couldn't remember the name!  We met her last year when the Lee Ann's and I rode up there.  Lots of Lee Ann's!

We all gathered around the camp fire and ate Kent's wonderful chili.  He said some friend's 2300 lb bull broke his leg so they had to make a ton of groundmeat.  Literally a ton I guess!  Poor fellow - the people had raised him from a little calf. 

We had to pack up and go and I made it all the way back to the trailer with no problems.  Then, on the smooth asphalt, I stepped on another one of those sweetgum balls and rolled my ankle a THIRD freaking time.  OMG I was hanging on the to the bumper of the truck.   Sigh...I hate this unbalanced baloney.  My ankle is hurting even this Sunday morning.  We got the buckets back in the trailer along with hay bags, loaded saddles, etc. and then the horses.  They were more than glad to hop in the trailer for the ride home and dinner.  We saw 9 deer just around the corner from the camp grounds...8 in one group and a single deer about a 100 yards away.

Crazy people driving home that night.  I told Barry we needed to hurry up and get home before we were ran over.  We dropped the horses off at just before 9:00 PM.  Not enough riding but it will have to do!!

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