Thursday, April 29, 2010

Red & Sarge aren't the only one who escaped & Glad I was dragging hinney today

I got a call this morning from Lee Ann and she said my boys had escaped!!  They broke the chain and were down by Sadda's pen!!  My little convicts!

I told Barry I was going out to ride after my cakes were baked but I was fiddling around, washed my hair and styled it...put on sunscreen, iron my shirt..yada yada yada.  Went to the credit union and Fed X to send the $125 to the radar happy cop.  Then I went out to the barn about 3:30.  I got the boys and walked them up to the barn and Barry started down the road to the back.  I got Red and Sarge tied up and Barry went to the bathroom.  He was gone forever.  When he came back he said that Lee Anne told him a sex offender escaped and was found on the ranch down by the trees by the pastures.  OMG...Lee Anne called the county jail and they asked her if she was calling about the reports on the TV and she said "no, to report a suspicious person on the property!  They came out with officers, dogs, helicopters.

OMG I am so glad I was dragging hinny today.  I would have been down there by myself with my car.  Ok...I need a hair standing up icon.

I tacked Red up amid phone calls from various people.  I put Red's new curb chain on and Edgar helped me punch holes in it because it was too tight.  Into the arena and I worked with Red on side passing and backing up.  He didn't even fidget with the new bit today - calm as can be.  We walked and trotted around and round and he did a tight circle when asked at a trot.  He is a good boy.

He seems to have a little thrush smell in his front right hoof.  I put the stuff in it that Dr. Sherwood gave me and I groomed him too.  He is looking terrific and Sarge too!

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