Saturday, July 10, 2010

Red is very hot

I went to the barn around 1:15 PM and Red seemed ok. He was inside in the cool of his stall. Spoke to Lee Ann B. - so glad she is back home! We talked about her trip to Cananda.

COTH member sent me a recipe for anhydrodic horses and I am going to reduce it because it makes a poop load:

15lbs sugar
2 lbs salt
3 1/2 lbs of KCL (potassium chloride).

She said: "You can cut this in half, that's what I do, it's huge because they have so many non-sweaters on the track. You feed 1 cup the first night, 1 1/2 cup the second night and 2 cups the third night.

She said they usually start sweating right away but if not, wait 3 days and repeat. I tried to get the KCL today with no avail so I will try tomorrow. Instead, I bought two 6 packs of Guinness for my boy. I stopped at the barn at 8:30 PM and Red was breathing pretty darn hard. I pulled him out of his stall and took him into the wash rack. His neck seemed moist. Not wet, not damp but moist all the same. Under his front legs the same, but he was breathing hard. I rinsed him off and scraped him down. Poor guy. I took him back to his stall and noticed his front right shoe is slightly loose. I put him in his stall and went to the other barn and got a medium scoop of feed, tried to twist off the cap of a Guinness and found it really doesn't twist off! LOL I used wire cutters to pry it off and then dumped it into his little bucket of feed. I went back to the big barn and he was standing outside catching a cool breeze on his wet hinney. I called him and he came in immediately nickering, I know he thought I had alfalfa - but it was Guinness beer porridge and he was thrilled to get it. Poor guy - he is hot. I told him to stand right there in front of the fan.

Maybe that One AC at least keeps him from over heating. I don't know what to think or what to do. I want him comfortable and happy. Barry said I should sell him to someone up north. I would be scared to death to do that. Someone might not love him like I do or treat him like I do. I hugged his neck so hard awhile ago I am sure his little though bubble said "hey sister, watch that windpipe!"

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