Thursday, July 1, 2010

Equiwinner Day 5

Red is sweating UNDER the duct tape but no where else at this moment.  It wasn't hot today though - lots of rain and wind from Hurricane Alex that is hitting down in Mexico.

I did talk to Equiwinner today and she was such a nice lady.  She said that when they marketed this to racing people only 1% asked for their money back.  They moved to barrel racers and it was 5%.  She said that she asked what type of body they had and to cut back on starch if they were over weight and she said the percentage dropped down to 1% when they dropped the weight of the horse!

Red is a trim looking horse so that shouldn't be a problem.  He is pulling the patches off so he was left in his stall today - oh well...keep that patch on!!  He is sweating under the tape but no where else right now.  I am so optimistic and hopeful.  He is such a sweet boy.

This first photo with the patch on the left hip is from the 4th day.

This photos is from the 5th day and the sweat is under the patch only.

This is moisture on the back of the pad after pulling it off on the 5th day. 

He has pulled the patches except when left in his stall.  He may have to spend quiet a bit of time in his stall this week while we are working on his problem.

Red has been a little pill in the stalls...he loves to mess with automatic water fountains.  Here is some damage he has done...both to equipment and himself!!!

The first picture is Red's scrape on his head from messing with the water fountain.  The last picture is the damage to the water fountain.  The other pictures are of another stall he was in while the first one was being limed and dried due to his playing with water works.  He flooded the stall and the breezeway.
What a pill!

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