Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Low man on totem pole

Red is the "low man on the totem pole" at the barn.  Poor guy...he is so easy going he is getting the snot kicked out of him.  He was in the paddock behind the barn with the 5 month old mare mule and the TB mare.  The little mule kept running at him from far off (LOL  he wasn't anywhere near her!) with teeth bared and feet flashing.  He was jumpy as all get out when I finally got him out of the paddock.  

I had visited with Margaret and Ronnie today and she said if Red didn't get his bath daily he would be calling his lawyer and his union rep!  LOL  so a bath it was - well, really just rinsed him off.  It was cool and breezy so I scraped him off (he is a fur ball) and let him eat grass which he liked because there was none in the paddock.  

Margaret is going to come get him tomorrow and keep him til Sunday or so.  She is going to put some training on him and since I will be in Houston with Barry's surgery it is a good thing.  

I called Dr. Schnieter this morning to see if he could come out sometime today to float his teeth before he left.  He was supposed to do it this week but because Red is leaving I want that done before he goes and he said he would meet me out at the barn at 10:00 so I will be leaving for the barn as soon as my jeans are dry!!

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