Sunday, August 4, 2019

Friday, Saturday and Sunday Meds

I went out Friday afternoon to get Biscuit's feed ready.  The LeeAnns were both there and I spoke with them.  I had Morgan and Tristan with me.

Biscuit looked just fine.  I gave him treats, let him lick his HorseLic - I had left the feed mix with Jamie.

Saturday I did basically the same.  Mixed it and left it with Edgar.  Biscuit enjoyed his HorseLic for a few minutes.

Sunday I went out after they had already been fed - got there about 15 minutes too late.  I mixed him up a RTIC cup of feed, mixed in the medication that started week 3 so we are 15 days into the medication.  I went down to the pasture and he came in and I haltered him and led him out so I could feed him without interference from Fat Kate.  He ate his feed and then I opened the HorseLic.  I fly sprayed him while he enjoyed that.

He is looking NORMAL.  Just NORMAL.  I like that.  I am watching for heavy breathing - he coughed once trotting up to the barn Thursday so I know that freaking COPD is right around the corner.  Hoping it is light this year as it hasn't been hot this week.  Warm of course - but today is was cloudy and overcast with some sprinkles. 

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