Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Sunday Lightening Strikes!

It was sun shining when I went out to the barn.  I got the Kabota out and went down and got Biscuit.  I put the Kabota back in the barn.  I gave Biscuit cookies with 2cc's of DEX.  I will give him that every other day.

I started working on his hooves.  The fronts look too long to me.  I feel good enough to resume hooves.  It is hard work.  ;-)   Lee-Ann was grooming Rogue.  She said something about Miss Jean telling Jamie not to forget to give Legato her medicine for EPM.  I told her Lee Ann P had mentioned she though Legato may have it.  :-(

I was brushing Biscuit and soaped up his mane and tail.   Clouds came over and a HUGE lightening strike hit over toward  Twin City that I could see.  Then BOOOMMMM.  Biscuit and Rogue spooked up harder than I thought they would.   More lightening. Lee-Ann was done with Rogue and headed back down to his pasture.  Boom...another and Biscuit startled but not bad...I was just glad I didn't have his foot in my hand.  I untied him and head down to his pasture before it got worse.  Lightening was pooping all over.  I saw Lee-Ann turn Rogue loose.  He took off when a lightening bolt hit.  I told Lee-Ann to get in the car before she got hit!  We headed down the road and another big bolt hit and Biscuit spooked and skittered away pulling the rope out of my hand.  Bless his heart he just stood there until I got out and got his rope.  He trotted all the way to his pasture.  I got out and got him in his pasture - soap still in his mane and tail! 

I will have to finish those feet later. 

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