Friday, August 23, 2019


Went to the barn around 10:15 AM . Spoke with Miss Jean - she said I started a trend with those Biscotti I made her this year.  She said she made them 5 times while they were up in Canada and now her friends are making them :-)  Yay!!

I hopped on the Kabota and went down to Biscuit.  He came into the corral and stood quietly so I could halter him.  Kate, as always, was in the way.  Bless her heart.  She has no ground manners but is a sweet horse. 

I took Biscuit out and gave him about a cup and half of pellets and then he was able to lick on his HorsLic.  He transferred to grass.  Then a giant bolt of lightening and I was done!

I told Lee Ann that Dinero was too dumb to be a ranch dog.  He cut right in front of me on the Kabota.  OMG had I been going fast I would have creamed him. 

I told her the HorsLic may turn Biscuit into 100% perfect of coming to me and letting me halter him.  The big test will be when we start riding again.  If he returns to not coming to me, so be it.  He is pretty dang perfect to me.

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