Friday, August 23, 2019

Wednesday Red Letter Day

I went to the barn at 11:00 AM and rode with the Lee Ann's down to Biscuit 's pasture in the Kabota.  Hummmmm Biscuit said.....why is she on the Kabota and it is 11:00 AM?  What is she up to?  A ride?   He didn't come into the corral but stood outside of it.  I got the halter and lead rope and walked up to him.  He kind of sucked back but let me halter him all the same.  WOW.

Haltered Biscuit walked out to lick his HorsLick and then head for the barn. 

He was hosed off and cleaned up.  I put him in the arena and was helping The Lee Ann's clean feed buckets. 

I went to get him and he was standing at the gate - nostrils flaring, sides billowing in and out and every blood vessel dilated.  He didn't seem to be afraid or upset so I thought maybe he was running in the arena. 

I hosed him off again and waited til he stopped breathing so hard.  He must have been flying out there or something caused him to be upset.  Who knows - all kinds of stuff running up and down the road there.

I left and went to Beaumont and came back to check on him.  He was just fine.  I put Equiderma lotion on his pasterns as he has that little fungus that always comes back. 

I check on his medication and Jamie wasn't giving it correctly so I think we are lined out on dias and noches.  I hope Jamie now understands!!

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