Saturday, January 14, 2012

Riding 7 Miles SOLO!!!

EveryTrail - Find the best Hiking near Beaumont, Texas Barry and I went for a ride today - today marks the 3rd year I have owned horses.  I have come a long way in three years.  We went out to the barn and loaded up the boys.  I took both bridles in case Biscuit's nose cut interfered with his halter/bridle.

I told Barry I wanted to ride by myself so I can work on my "ride by myself" skills.  He tacked up Sarge and left about 5 minutes before me.  I tacked Biscuit up and gave him a few treats.  I put his Taylored Tack on and it didn't interfere with his nose.  I mounted up and Biscuit went into the woods with no trouble.  Of course he was aware that Sarge had left but he didn't see to be nervous or looking for Sarge.

We walked to start out with - he gave a big stink eye to logs which was kinda funny.  We got around to the other side of the woods to the first log crossing and he refused!  Started backing up.  Oh but NO.  I kept urging him forward and popped him with the popper!  He went then but he did that 3 times and wanted to turn around.  I don't know if he doesn't have confidence in me or himself but we worked through it.  We started trotting on the right side of the woods and trotted for 5 miles.  His heart rate stayed around 104.  Good Boy!!

He did a great job today and went past the trail head willingly.  I was thrilled with his forwardness even by himself.  He just kept going.  I did go down the ride away and then he slowed down to a walk.  He even wanted to turn around and go back.  I insisted he go forward.  He did as he was asked.  We are both getting better!  He was sweating but cool to the touch.

My last go around I could see Barry ahead of me so I yelled at him and we caught up.  I told him I saw people in the parking lot and they came around the corner right then.  It was James, Beverly and Kurt.  It was so nice to see them!  James said he had thought about stealing my steps...hahahahahaha he is so funny.  We chatted with them and then took off for the trailer at a pretty fast trot - Garmin said 11.5 mph and when I uploaded it it says 9 mph.  That makes me crazy. When we got to the trail head I wouldn't let Biscuit go out and he fussed but got over it QUICKLY.  He has discovered it is quicker to do what I want when I want than to wait. 

I was thrilled with the ride today.  It gives me 29.8 miles for the year.  We hauled back to the barn and the boys were fed and put in their pasture.  Barry swapped out saddles for our ride tomorrow.  We are ready to go.

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