Thursday, September 19, 2019

Biscuit is healed!!!

It was pouring rain when I got up to go take Biscuit to the barn.  I set my alarm but it didn't go off.  I was rushing to get there.  No make up and slapped a hat on my fuzzy hair.  I put on my rain jacket and hooked up the trailer in the rain.

I got to the barn and the gate was open, barn light on, dogs out....feed barn closed.  I pulled up and opened the feed barn.  Horses hadn't been fed as the Kabota was dry.  Dang..where was Jamie and Edgar?  Down to get Biscuit...all of the horses were calling out for me to stop!!  There goes the feed wagon!!

Biscuit was solid on facing his feed bucket.  I rolled up my pants and stepped out in ankle deep water in the corral.  I haltered him and as I was leading him out I noticed Fat Kate's muscles were twitching all over.  Not shivering - twitching.  I took Biscuit up front and opened the back of the trailer.  Loaded him and shut the ramp and back flap to keep out as much rain as I could.

I called Lee Ann P and told her I felt like I was in the twilight zone.  I was looking for Jamie and Edgar's trucks and they weren't there.  Hummm...was a black car there?  Yep..That was Edgars.  I guess he was waiting to Jamie to get there to feed or for the rain to slack off.

I called Emma - Kate's momma and told her about the twitching.  I said I was headed to the vet and would tell them what I saw.  Got to the vet.  Katelyn came out to the trailer to take his blood.  I told them about Kate's twitching.  Said it could be the rain, allergies, etc.

The test was $79 so that wasn't too bad!!  Emma texted me a video while I was driving home.   She said they told her to bring Kate up and dry her off so she did.  She was already gone when I got there.  I fed Biscuit on the wash rack and cleaned the horse poop out of the trailer.  I got the Kabota and took him down to his pasture and turned him out. 

Doc texted me around 10:53 AM to tell me:

Muscle enzymes slightly above normal.  Everything else within normal limits.  He's good to go!!

I asked what the number was and he said 490.  Normal was 120-470. 

I want that to come down further so Biscuit will stay on the medications.  I will have him tested probably in January to make sure those numbers are coming down. 

I sent him the video right then of Kate.  He called Emma and said he'd come take a urine sample.

I went back out there when Doc was there with Kate and Emma.  She'd cut her eye and he put one stitch in it.  He thought it could be low electrolytes. 

He called her later and after running the blood test and said it was looking like allergies.  Wow. 

This is the video:

I am hoping Fat Kate will be ok. 

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