Monday, September 23, 2019


I went out to the barn around 12:30 PM today.  It was hot but had a breeze and when the clouds covered the sky it wasn't hard to stand out there! 

Biscuit came in and I gave him a treat that Miss Jean had gave me for my birthday.  He seemed to like it.  I haltered him and took him out to lick on the HorsLic.  He was a little dirty and needs a bath.  I will do that tomorrow. 

I gave him his Dex in cookies so he should be fine.

Alivia texted that my saddle got wet in the storm at Doc's.  I told her that was ok and I'd come get it. 

I was helping Barry outside wipe down tote boxes full of Christmas decorations and other stuff.  Kellie and I were texting back and forth about Thymeleigh.  I really think if Barry rides him he will like him enough to buy him.  I told Kellie if she paid the board for a month and gave Barry the opportunity to ride him he might decide he would make a great mount.  So we decided one month trial.  He will come to the barn in a week.  Barry can ride him and see how he likes him.

I think Barry would love to ride endurance.  He likes going fast and far and to win at endurance you better be on an Arabian. 

I went out to get the saddle and oh! how sad Alivia's house is.  She is next door to Doc and they got 4.5 feet of water in the barn.  Doc walked horses out twice 1 mile up the road in deep water starting chest deep with unruly horses.  Poor Azziza walked out all that way on foundered feet.  God love her. 

I stopped at Kellie's to see Elan and bring him treats.  He was standing in front of his fan that was misting water on him.   His face was dripping wet.  I fed my sweet Gorilla Man some treats and petted his face.  Such a sweetheart.  I miss him.  He used to place his head in my lap. 

I went out to see Bandit, Thymeleigh and Lady Dollar.  I gave them all treats.  Bandit really is a very nice horse.  Kellie said she is going to ride him.  I got to see Thymeleigh better.  He has put on weight since he came back from the trainer.  He is about as tall as Sarge was and about the same size but not as muscley like a QH is. 

If we can get in some rides on him that will be a good thing.  I have reservations in Ebenezer in October and we will take Thymeleigh for a final trail ride if the weather is good.  Hopefully, Barry will like him and decide to keep him.  Price is right and he is a good boy - Biscuit will then have a pasture mate. 

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