Monday, September 16, 2019

Monday at The Barn.

On the way to the barn Emma, Kate's momma, sent me a video of Biscuit.    He was trotting around, flagging his tail and snorting.

I got out there and she and her husband were trying to catch Kate.  Biscuit was out in the pasture but he wouldn't come to me.  They finally caught Kate and led her out up to the barn.  I tried to walk out to him but he was going around me in circles so I didn't want to start that crap again.  I got in my car and backed into the runway.  Before I knew it he was standing in the corral.  I got out to get him and they were back with Kate.  Biscuit let me halter him with no problems and I led him up to the barn.

Kellie wants to get Thymeleigh off of her ranch as he is a being very dominate with Elan.  She is sending him to Plum Nearly and he is going to go into the pasture with Biscuit.  Barry is going to ride him.  She just told me a lady is coming from Stephenville next week to try him.   She would like us to buy will depend on if Barry likes him or not.  Who knows.  

I took Barry up to the wash rack and spoke to Lee Ann P about putting Biscuit in with Thymeleigh.  He is coming Thursday at 10:00 so I will meet her out there and introduce him to Biscuit.  We will see how it goes.  

I did Biscuit's hooves all around but only the bottoms.  Tomorrow I will try to do the top edges.  I brushed Biscuit's body and mane and tail.  

I visited with Lee Ann P and B, Ashley and Emma.  The weather changed and the temperature dropped.  I checked the temps for this weekend.  It is going to be in the 80's so the temp is definitely dropping thank God.  

I am taking Biscuit to the vet Monday for another blood test to see if his numbers are coming down.  If they are he and I are going riding this weekend.  If not - we aren't.  Sister is limping on her front right paw so I am not taking her.  Maybe taking Lu Lu.  We shall see.

Biscuit seems to be doing really well.  He looked like he was breathing a little heavy - not heaving by any means though.  He had been running all over the pasture so I think that had something to do with hit.  It was hot and humid but started up a nice breeze.  

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