Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Inspection at the Park

The first time I went to Ebenezer last year I took the boy's Coggin's Papers.  Never took them again but something told me to take them this weekend as it was a holiday.  Good thing!  The Animal Heath Inspector, Charles Woods, had been there the day before and asked someone to leave as they didn't have a current Coggin's.  The person was cranked up about it and was told they could be issued a $300 fine if they would like!  Gaaa!!!  The park attendant didn't realize what a big deal it is to have a current Coggins until I told her that horses will DIE from the infection - that they have the test for a reason and that is to keep horses safe. 

Sure enough, Friday afternoon here comes the Health Inspector.  He was a total doll....of course, I had papers so that was a good thing!!!  We liked Charles and he has a fascinating job - we want HIS job!!!

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