Sunday, September 12, 2010


We went to the playday at Tyrrell Park this afternoon.  It was blazing hot when we got out to the barn.  We hauled down to the paddock and Red felt damp...they were under the shelter so he is smart enough to stay out of the blazing heat.  We hauled them up to the barn and unloaded them to clean them up.  Red was soaking wet WOWWWOWOWOWOOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOOWOWOWOWO when we got to the barn which is just a 2 minute ride in the trailer!   I rinsed him off, brushed his mane and picked his hooves.

I tacked him up and put 1/2 rations in the buckets in the trailer.  We loaded the boys up and hauled to the park.  It was UBER hot.  I got on by the bleachers and headed for the arena.   We had such a good time.  Rode around with Kellie and Allison.  Randy is always funny and Kenny is a doll.  Traci was at home sick...poor girl!  Esther and her hubby visited and it was good to see him again.

All of us girls, Barry and Mr. Miguez ran the barrels and poles for fun.   Kellie was blazing on in after running the pattern and Elan did a little buck and it hurt Kellie's back.  GAAAAAAAAA  She got off of him and later took his saddle off because he was hot. 

I trotted the pattern with Red and he did a great job and didn't try to go way out or over shoot the barrels.  He would make a fantastic Barrel Racer but I am too chicken to run barrels.  I trotted the pattern for the poles too.  Red did ok but he did better on barrels. 

Barry and Sarge were a hoot on the Barrels.  Sarge is such a show off that he is funny to watch!  We had a good time and are looking forward to more riding.

Red was sweating nicely!  That was such a thrill - Esther said there is someone local that does acupuncture!  Krystina had this doc out for a rescue she has now... and the horse was sweating buckets after the treatment.  Wow wee....I am calling Krystina tomorrow to ask about it

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