Thursday, September 3, 2009

Devin and Kelsie Ride Red

I went to the barn first thing this morning to feed the horses. As I thought, Sarge tried to eat Red's food. I want Red to eat his food and I don't want Sarge to get too fat by eating too much food. I watched the boys eat and took Red's crumbs with me. I didn't want Sarge to eat them...I am sure they wouldn't hurt him but he doesn't need One AC!!!

I went to work and did stop at a tack shop in Liberty and bought a insulated saddle bag, a brush hoof pick and two snaps for the trailer.

Barry and I went to ride this evening. When I was walking Red up the rode I stopped and talked to LeeAnn. She was feeding the horses. I asked her to give Sarge an extra cup or cup and a half so he and Red would finish eating about the same time!! I said he is pretty darn solid but I want Red to stay fit too!

We rode out in the back pasture. Morgan and Devin came out there and Morg took pictures of Devin in the fields. We went back to the arena and Devin and Kelsie rode Red. Red was sweating pretty good which was terrific. We got them alfalfa and went to the paddock. We gave Sarge alfalfa with his grain in hopes that he will finish when Red does.

Red was through and eating his alfalfa when we left. Sarge was still eating his.

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