Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Sarge is better

I left for work this morning and called LeeAnn - Barn Manager and I asked her to check on Sarge. She checked on him and called me back. She said Sarge was grazing and then he came to the gate. She said Sarge was talking trash on me for hurting his mouth!!! LOL She said that it often takes several days for them to feel better after a floating on teeth that are over due. She said she hates having her horse's mouth done but it is a necessary evil.

I went up to Jasper and I stopped at Margaret and Ronnie's on the way. Margaret is going to ride with me this weekend so I am looking forward to going. I just stayed a short while and then carried on to work. When as I was at the Jasper store I turned into a customer and got another blow up bed, a flashlight, a lantern, a tent light like we used in the cake challenge, 2 platters, and an aluminum pan with handles.

After work I stopped at Sam's Western Store and bought 2 smaller buckets for either water or feed. I am just about set for this weekend. Barry and I went out to the barn to check on the horses. They were just about to feed and we took the horses feed down. Sarge was doing much better. He was eager to eat and ate his grain just fine. He trotted over to Red's alfalfa pile and shoved Red off. We had to redirect him to his own pile. He is still having a little trouble swallowing the hay. Most of it he was able to get down but not all of it. He kept pawing at it! Barry walked across the pasture and got him a bucket of water. Sarge knocked it over playing with it.

We were relieved that he felt better. Poor baby - he has had a rough week.

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