Tuesday, November 1, 2011

I have owned Biscuit for one year and trimming feet

Yesterday I did Biscuit's feet.  I soaked his hooves because they were pretty darn hard!  Shilome was flirting with him while he stood there and he was such a good boy.  Lee Ann P helped me with his feet and they are FINALLY going concave...his soul finally was sloughing off!  His old abscess breaks are almost grown out.  They used to be near his frog and now almost gone.  I think in a few months it will be gone!!!  He has great hoof walls and that is important!  I think his heels are still a little contracted and I think that will start improving more too!

I watched Allison ride Jabarree and he was being a little snotty and bucking with her.  She handled it well as always.  She did fill me in on Biscuit's training ride Friday and said he did well.  Se had to remind him of things but he is catching on.  She will be riding him this week also.  I am thrilled that she is helping me with Biscuit.  He is worth it!

Today I went out to the barn and watched Lee Ann P do Legato's feet.  We discussed strategies about the endurance riding and we are both so excited!!!  She went to bale hay and I did Sarge's feet.  I did them last 6 weeks ago...that is too long.  I will start doing them every 2 weeks.  He is hard to do.  He can be bossy about it and I had to just boss him right back.  I told him he was a male chauvinist pig in a horse costume.  LOL  I got it done though.  He grows huge bars and I had to cut those down and he was sloughing soul too.  I nipped his hooves around and did a mustang roll.  His hooves were a little frayed on the edges like plywood gets with little cracks.  I smoothed them and he does have some thrush in one frog.  I cut most of that out and will put some meds on that.  I treated his cut which is way better and put fly spray on him.

I have owned Biscuit for one year officially today.  I really like The Biscuit and think he is going to be a terrific horse for me for a long time.  Hugs to The Biscuit!!

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