Sunday, December 26, 2010

Biscuit is on the rise!!

I went out to the barn today to load up the boys.  I put them some pellets in their feed buckets in the trailer and hung up their hay bags filled with hay.  I hauled to the back and got Biscuit first.  He was kinda dirty!  He loaded up easily.  Sarge couldn't wait to get his fuzzy brown butt up there! 

I hauled them out to Tyrrell Park and unloaded them.  Sarge was a little excitable.  I took Biscuit out and started grooming him.  He was pretty dirty.  I got out treats and cleaned his hooves.  He did a good job - on the front left he tried pulling it away but he minded me when I refused to give it back! 

He seems to have gained a lot of weight even since just last Sunday  His back has really filled up and out and his neck has really filled in.  I brushed him and comb his mane.  He is looking so much better.  He will look so much better in the spring when his new coat comes in.  Some of his hair has a very nice shine and glitter to it.

Barry arrived and so did Kellie and Randy and LeeAnne B.  We all tacked up and saddled up.  I set my GPS and put it in my pocket.  We went through the trees and Sarge was really snorty and spooking at birds and the nasty little bed that is out there.  LOL  we were ready to kick him to the curb for awhile.  We went out to the canal and down to the bridge.  We crossed the bridge and we all got off to pick hooves.  Mud and rocks are not a good combination.  Biscuit was very good about giving his feet.  I took him over to the hill by the road and mounted.  We went across the land bridge and all the way down to the bayou.  We went across the little bridge and down the side of the bayou.  We got to the downed tree and Sarge had a hard time crossing it but he did.  I asked Biscuit and he refused.  I got off and tried to lead him...he refused.  Randy tried to get Regan to cross and he refused.  Randy walked him across.  Elan gave Kellie a bunch of flack but he finally went and Rogue went the easiest.  Barry tried to ride Biscuit across and he refused again even with spurs.  Randy said he'd never seen Biscuit refuse anything but the last time we crossed that was hard for him.  Barry walked him over and he jumped crooked and so awkwardly.  Poor guy.  I got back on and we rode up and down the little hills - the vegetation was dry and crumbly.  We turned and went back.  I was in the lead.  Biscuit refused the tree and I walked him over - him jumping crookedly again.  I tried to mount and had some trouble = Barry was trying to move him over and Biscuit's hoof hit the back of my foot so hard I saw stars.  I was finally able to mount and off we went.  Biscuit was all excited then and ready to go.  We trotted a long way to catch up with Kellie and Randy.  Lee Anne B had some trouble with Rogue.  He was being a pill she told me later.  We crossed over the bridge and away we went.  We had a wonderful ride today - it was beautiful.  The weather was gorgeous, the company was great and my horse is adorable.  

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