Friday, December 10, 2010

Biscuit Man is fluffing up

I went to the barn yesterday and brought up Biscuit.  I brushed him, gave him treats and started with the back right hoof.  He GAVE it to me yesterday!  Woot!!!  Treat was popped in as soon as foot was down.  Over to the other side.  Didn't give it to me but he did ok after me leaning on him to shift his weight.  He tried taking it back a few times but I said AAAAAGGGGGHHHHTTTTTT....and he let me pick it out.  Treat was popped into his mouth.  Front feet was the same.  He did good..tried to take it back and I aaaagggghhhhtttt at him and he let me pick the feet and gently set them down.  He is getting so much better.  What a little sweetheart.

I put Lee Anne's snaffle bridle on him and lunge tape line and into the area we went.  He walked, trotted, stopped and somewhat cantered to the left.  I can't run long enough to keep him going.  I will be sucking eggs in just a few minutes.  We stopped and I walk up to him and the whip bobbled and he flinched so hard poor guy.  I talked softly to him and rubbed his face and gave him a treat so he knew he wasn't in trouble.  I just feel bad for him when he does that.  We went the other way with walk trot canter stop.  I didn't get him sweaty like the other two days but I can't run like that either!!!!

I took him back down to the pasture and we stopped on the way to work on WHOA's .  He is doing really well.  I snapped a picture of him on my phone when we first got into the arena and compared it to one taken the day after I brought him to Plum Nearly.  Such an improvement!!

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