Sunday, February 22, 2009

Riding Red

My lower legs and ankles were hurting today which was strange. They generally never hurt like that. Barry and I went out to the Barn to see Red. Red was in with Titania and she was not real excited about me taking him out. She kept walking at me with her ears back. LOL She has taken a shine to Red. The other day that big Tennessee Walker started off sniffing Red over the fence that progressed to nibbling and was getting crankier. He put his ears back at Red and was going to bite him. LOL Titania turned around, ran at the TW with her ears back, turned her butt around and back up. TW decided to back off. I wanted to laugh...she let him know not to mess with her friend!

Anyway, Rich held Titania while I got Red out. Barry arrived seperately from me - he was supposed to be on his Harley but he couldn't get it started. Today was 2 years since his accident. I had got him some McDonalds.

I started brushing Red hoping someone would show up so I could go out in the marsh. Red's hair looks a little dull because it is full of dirt! I brushed and brushed. I picked his hooves and started braiding his hair. I had a cup of water and he kept wanting to drink it. What a pill.

A little boy came out to the barn and he wanted to pet Red. His birthday is the same as mine and I told him I would be riding in about one hour so his mom said she would bring him back. Another little girl came out that was supposed to meet Bridgett and she was petting Red. I explained that Bridgett had a family emergency. Someone else showed up but she didn't want to pet the horses she wanted to ride. LOL

After I groomed Red I was letting him eat grass and the little boy showed up. I saddled Red and rode him a little bit and then the little boy got on and Barry led him around. Bless his little heart - he will be 6 years old.

Later we were riding and Fern came out with Princess and we were both riding in the arena. I would have liked to have gone out but it didn't happen today. We enjoyed talking with Fern and her hubby.

LOL my little friend showed up dragging his grandpa!! His grandfather thanked me profusedly for letting his little grandson ride. Kelsie was riding and she got off to let the little boy ride again. There is nothing better than a horse for a child.

Kelsie is going to work for Bridgett!! Yay!!! She is going to work on weekends feeding and watering, cleaning stalls, turning out the horses and later doing trail rides. I am so happy for Kelsie. She loves horses and when I told her I was getting a horse months ago, at Starbucks, she started crying!!

I enjoyed my ride today and Barry rode Red too. Red's trot is really bouncy but his lope is smooth according to Barry.

I groomed him after we unsaddled him. Kelsie and I let him eat some more grass and then we put him up with his beloved Alfalfa.

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