Saturday, February 28, 2009

Rita and I Ride

On the 26th I met Rita out at the barn to trail ride. Big Man got away from her while I had Red up in the wash rack. He is a pistol. He was running all over the place while Rita was trying to catch him. He came to me but when I tried to grab is rope off he went. He finally let Rita catch him and we went into the arena so he could blow off steam. Round and Round he went - running at top speed, tail flagging proudly, snorting away. When it was over, he came up to Rita and layed his head on her shoulder. She turned and said "Back, Back, Back" and he backed up like a champ. He followed her around like a baby, nuzzling her hair! LOL She got him in the wash rack and he was as good as gold.

We got saddled up for the ride and off we went. We got almost to Cattail Marsh and Red blew up like a balloon. OMGosh he gathered his feet up and jumped up and to the left at a diagonal on the road. For an instant I thought he was going to lose his footing but he pulled himself together and walked like nothing happened! Rita and I think he saw a snake because Red is NOT a spooky horse to startled about everything. .

He was looking at the stuff in the equipment yard and moving slowly and cautiously like he does when he is uncertain of something. We went along where Barry and I had went but higher up on the levee. I was riding behind Big Man and good golly Miss Molly, there were all of these tiny bugs and Red was about to have a snorting fit. LOL Margaret has always siad he didn't like bugs and he was having a fit...tossing his head, snorting, blowing his nose....LOL I finally took him up on the levee because he was just no liking the bugs!

We rounded to the right where the canal is and rode down there. Red stumbled several times over his own toes. I am thinking a chiropractor could help that.

Rita got off to open the gate and had a heck of a time getting back on. We are old and lumpy but she is better than me...I don't think I could get on if my life depended on it. My butt is too heavy.

We got back and I gave Red rub down and rinsed him off - got his head good too which he tolerates but is not excited about. I let him eat some grass for awhile and then put him up. While I was getting his alfalafa he dropped and rolled in his stall. What a pig.

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